The filters and the search tool work fine with the "Actualité", "Archives", "Les motos" and "Petites annonces" Flexicontent categories.
But I've been getting the following error for two weeks with the "Plans d'usine Terrot" category, which is the main category of the website, when one does a search. Nonetheless the filters look ok with this category too.
... errot.html
I had a look on the Internet and I ran different tests, but I can't find out why I get this error.
Erreur: 1054
Unknown column 'fi.item_id' in 'on clause' SQL=SELECT i.modified_by AS value, usr.name AS text, COUNT(DISTINCT i.id) as found FROM typ1e_content AS i LEFT JOIN typ1e_flexicontent_items_ext AS ie ON fi.item_id = ie.item_id JOIN typ1e_users AS usr ON usr.id = i.modified_by WHERE 1 AND i.id IN(1913,1914,1915, ...[I cut here because it's a huge list]... ,9571,9572,9573,9574,9575,9576,9577,9578,9581) AND MATCH (ie.search_index) AGAINST ('cadre' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND i.id IN (SELECT DISTINCT item_id FROM typ1e_flexicontent_fields_item_relations as rel WHERE rel.field_id = 35 AND (value='8') ) AND i.id IN (SELECT DISTINCT item_id FROM typ1e_flexicontent_fields_item_relations as rel WHERE rel.field_id = 27 AND (value='3') ) AND i.modified_by <> 0 GROUP BY i.modified_by ORDER BY text ASC"
The Flexicontent version has been the same for one year, namely 2.1.2 r1806 beta, and Joomla is in version 3.3.
Could you help me in fixing this issue ?
Thanks in advance.