Hi there,
I am thinking of switching to flexis template completely.
At the moment I have:
Joomla template for the general layout like
header, top navigation
Flexi is used for the component area only
Footer module positions etc
Now instead of mixing the two together, I thought why not switch everything to flexis template and let the flexi do the job.
Thats because I can:
Load module positions using flexis load module feature
It will make editing even more easier.
So lets say i want to have a navigation, I can create a menu module and load it via load module position.
Everything on the page will be editable without thinking was this joomla module or is it something to do with flexi etc.
One problem I may face is editing the modules using the item submit form.
Do I even need to load joomla modules anyways? Most of the time I have a custom html module which is a text area field in flexi. So I can just place a text area field:)
One template mechanism will make things easier and faster.
At the moment, I have joomla template that i have created and flexi is limited within this template.
I want to create a master flexi content template which will be the sites actual template. That will control the positions, the design of the site pretty much.
So in my joomla template I will only have
<jdoc:include type="component" />
Thats it
And I will place whatever I want inside that component part using flexis template positions. Is this possible?
What would be possible bottlenecks for this kind of setup?
Thank you.