Backend: no access to flexicontent items

11 years 2 months ago #43433 by evolutiveMedia

the web is working locally (using XAMPP).

I uploaded it to a web server and access to items is broken, it's loading forever. I tested all the items with no success.

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11 years 2 months ago #43437 by ggppdk

you mean
backend items manager ?
item form when loading ?
item form when saving ?

did you set the backend items manager list limit to "ALL" ?

you have FLEXIcontent version ?
after 30-120 seconds do you get a timeout ?

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11 years 2 months ago #43445 by evolutiveMedia
I'm using Joomla 3.2.0 and flexicontent 2.1.2_r1806_J25_J32_beta.

The problem happens when I try to edit an item, from the back-end. I press the item button and it's not accessing to it, no timeout, nothing at all.

Nevertheless, don't worry about flexicontent, it's working great locally (in XAMPP), I think the problem involves server configuration (I didn't configure it myself, sorry).

Thank you so much for your great work and quick replies.

BTW: Have a nice Christmas and happy new year !

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11 years 2 months ago #43446 by ggppdk

a blank page almost always means a PHP fatal error

please enable the parameter

error reporting in Joomla Global configuration under "Server" TAB

and revisit the item edit form to check if a PHP error appears

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11 years 2 months ago #43498 by micker
check your php.ini
allow memory and time execution

[edit by ggppdk]
Well, it is better not to guess, please enable error reporting as described above, so that you get the exact reason,

probably it is what micker set, the allowed memory is exceeded


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