In short
1. Disable the parameter that prints category description
(e.g. in your Joomla Menu item and please enable parameter override otherwise the menu parameters are not used, or if you do not do a category parameters override in menu item then do it at category configuration)
2. place the code:
<h2 class="cattitle">
<?php echo $this->escape($this->category->title); ?>
at the desired place of your category_items.php
(simply place it in some place and
then make some web page refreshes moving the code, and you will easily find where the image of leading items is outputted)
*** In long
use this to find other stuff that you need):
and i do this everyday, on FLEXIcontent and to Joomla and for many other Joomla extensions (even to debug extension unknown to me),
i even do this to answer question on forum
1. make a local copy of your site (i mean, if you do not have one already)
2. examine your page with firebug (firefox) or with chrome inspector and e.g. you see that the category title is inside an <h2> and has a CSS class "cattitle"
3. do a text search for "cattitle" e.g. make it case-sensitive and "whole word"-search
4. you find e.g. 4 places with it appearing, then adding some text output in these places you make sure which place it is actually outputting your page (you refresh your page of course)
5. you undo text output changes and you have found that the category title is outputted by
6. If you place an
echo "<pre>"; print_debug_backtrace(); echo "</pre>";
inside the code, you will see that this file is called by
(this might know already by reading our FAQ:
... cture.html
so you may copy the code in your FLEXIcontent template to customize it
7. If you do a text search for 'show_cat_title' in *.xml files, you find XML files that use language string 'FLEXI_SHOW_CAT_TITLE'
8. If you do text search for 'FLEXI_SHOW_CAT_TITLE' in *.ini file, you find e.g. in english ini file of FLEXIcontent component:
FLEXI_SHOW_CAT_TITLE="Show category title"
so now you know which parameter to disable (ok, you do not need the above but you might need it in other cases)
9. now you also have the code that you want to copy:
<h2 class="cattitle">
<?php echo $this->escape($this->category->title); ?>
into category_items.php
About image size,
- this is normal when scaling, i mean the image is scaled but it will not be stressed to fit both dimensions, just one dimension will be reached
- about cropping this should give the desired size if both sizes are bigger than your thumbnail sizes, if you enable crop method for leading images you should see a &zc=1 appear in the URL of the image,
did it not appear ? maybe clear cache, otherwise it is a bug or you edited wrong parameter of blog template?