ERROR: Saving item in backend - Flexi 1.5.6

12 years 3 weeks ago #30293 by scorpion_pt
Ok Thanks :)

Receiving now:
#0 JRegistry->setValue(_default., ) called at [/var/www/vilapraia/libraries/joomla/html/parameter.php:105] #1 JParameter->set(, ) called at [/var/www/vilapraia/administrator/components/com_flexicontent/models/parentclassitem.php:3055] #2 ParentClassItem->mergeAttributes(flexicontent_items Object ([id] => ,[title] => ,[alias] => ,[title_alias] => ,[introtext] => ,[fulltext] => ,[state] => ,[sectionid] => ,[mask] => ,[catid] => ,[created] => ,[created_by] => ,[created_by_alias] => ,[modified] => ,[modified_by] => ,[checked_out] => 0,[checked_out_time] => 0,[frontpage_up] => ,[frontpage_down] => ,[publish_up] => ,[publish_down] => ,[images] => ,[urls] => ,[attribs] => JParameter Object ([_raw] => ,[_xml] => ,[_elements] => Array (),[_elementPath] => Array ([0] => /var/www/vilapraia/libraries/joomla/html/parameter/element),[_defaultNameSpace] => _default,[_registry] => Array ([_default] => Array ([data] => stdClass Object ([show_pdf_icon] => ,[show_print_icon] => ,[show_email_icon] => ,[show_title] => ,[show_intro] => ,[readmore] => ,[comments] => ,[automatic_pathways] => ,[override_title] => ,[custom_ititle] => ,[addcat_title] => ,[add_canonical] => ,[ilayout] => ,[title_cut_text] => ,[top_cols] => ,[bottom_cols] => ,[show_author] => ,[show_create_date] => ,[show_modifier] => ,[show_modify_date] => ,[show_category] => ,[show_vote] => ,[show_favs] => ,[show_tags] => ,[Customblocks] => ,[columnmode] => ,[templatehtmlmode] => ,[htmlmode] => ))),[_errors] => Array ()),[version] => ,[parentid] => ,[ordering] => ,[metakey] => ,[metadesc] => ,[metadata] => ,[access] => ,[hits] => ,[item_id] => ,[type_id] => ,[language] => ,[lang_parent_id] => ,[sub_items] => ,[sub_categories] => ,[related_items] => ,[search_index] => ,[_tbl_join] => #__flexicontent_items_ext,[_frn_key] => item_id,[_join_prop] => Array ([0] => item_id,[1] => type_id,[2] => language,[3] => lang_parent_id,[4] => sub_items,[5] => sub_categories,[6] => related_items,[7] => search_index),[_tbl] => #__content,[_tbl_key] => id,[_db] => JDatabaseMySQLi Object ([name] => mysqli,[_nullDate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[_nameQuote] => `,[_sql] => SELECT l.* , lext.* , l.lang_id as id , l.lang_code as code, l.sef as shortcode, CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(l.title) THEN l.title ELSE l.title_native END as name FROM jos_languages as l LEFT JOIN jos_jf_languages_ext as lext ON l.lang_id=lext.lang_id WHERE l.published=1 ORDER BY lext.ordering ASC,[_errorNum] => 0,[_errorMsg] => ,[_table_prefix] => jos_,[_resource] => mysqli Object ([affected_rows] => ,[client_info] => ,[client_version] => ,[connect_errno] => ,[connect_error] => ,[errno] => ,[error] => ,[field_count] => ,[host_info] => ,[info] => ,[insert_id] => ,[server_info] => ,[server_version] => ,[sqlstate] => ,[protocol_version] => ,[thread_id] => ,[warning_count] => ),[_cursor] => mysqli_result Object ([current_field] => ,[field_count] => ,[lengths] => ,[num_rows] => ,[type] => ),[_debug] => 0,[_limit] => 0,[_offset] => 0,[_ticker] => 0,[_log] => Array (),[_utf] => 1,[_quoted] => Array (),[_hasQuoted] => ,[_errors] => Array (),[debug] => 0),[_errors] => Array (),[categories] => Array ()), Array ([show_pdf_icon] => ,[show_print_icon] => ,[show_email_icon] => ,[show_title] => ,[show_intro] => ,[readmore] => ,[comments] => ,[automatic_pathways] => ,[override_title] => ,[custom_ititle] => ,[addcat_title] => ,[add_canonical] => ,[ilayout] => ), Array ([description] => ,[keywords] => ,[robots] => ,[author] => )) called at [/var/www/vilapraia/administrator/components/com_flexicontent/models/parentclassitem.php:1503] #3 ParentClassItem->store(Array ([title] => Test,[alias] => ,[type_id] => 3,[state] => 1,[vstate] => 2,[tagname] => ,[language] => en-GB,[lang_parent_id] => 0,[text] => description text ,[hits] => 0,[versioncomment] => ,[catid] => 22,[cid] => Array ([0] => 22),[details] => Array ([access] => 0,[created_by] => 62,[created_by_alias] => ,[created] => 2012-10-31 16:39:41,[publish_up] => 2012-10-31 16:39:41,[publish_down] => Never),[meta] => Array ([description] => ,[keywords] => ,[robots] => ,[author] => ),[params] => Array ([show_pdf_icon] => ,[show_print_icon] => ,[show_email_icon] => ,[show_title] => ,[show_intro] => ,[readmore] => ,[comments] => ,[automatic_pathways] => ,[override_title] => ,[custom_ititle] => ,[addcat_title] => ,[add_canonical] => ,[ilayout] => ),[7b833a9eb058c54d62246e7d31e7ab3d] => 1,[option] => com_flexicontent,[id] => 0,[controller] => items,[view] => item,[task] => save)) called at [/var/www/vilapraia/administrator/components/com_flexicontent/controllers/items.php:178] #4 FlexicontentControllerItems->save() called at [/var/www/vilapraia/libraries/joomla/application/component/controller.php:236] #5 JController->execute(save) called at [/var/www/vilapraia/administrator/components/com_flexicontent/admin.flexicontent.php:141] #6 require_once(/var/www/vilapraia/administrator/components/com_flexicontent/admin.flexicontent.php) called at [/var/www/vilapraia/libraries/joomla/application/component/helper.php:162] #7 JComponentHelper->renderComponent(com_flexicontent) called at [/var/www/vilapraia/administrator/includes/application.php:136] #8 JAdministrator->dispatch(com_flexicontent) called at [/var/www/vilapraia/administrator/index.php:67]

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12 years 3 weeks ago #30296 by ggppdk
OK check for empty parameter name in custom FLEXIcontent template is not strict enough for J1.5 version

please replace line 3504
(file administrator/components/com_flexicontent/models/parentitemclass.php)
if (isset($p->_attributes['name']))
if (!empty($p->_attributes['name']))

will commit fix,

and not actually running debug_print_backtrace() without disabling printing of parameter made it easier to identify bug, haha :D

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