[mootools upgrade] Minigallery JS error backgroundslider.js

12 years 9 months ago #25159 by arnaud.blain

I installed com_flexicontent_v1.5.6_RC5_r1302 but there's a bug with minigallery :

this.options.onClick is undefined on Line 52

This error already exists in v1290

Moreover there's an error with joomfish even if i disabled all languages options (see attached file) :

getlanguageslist(): ERROR no joomfish installed

I'm using Joomla 1.5.25

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12 years 9 months ago #25166 by ggppdk
You seem to have a mootools jquery conflict on your site. Check the loading of mootools/jquery.

About joomfish warning, it has been reported to another post, it should not be printed and will suppress it.

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12 years 9 months ago #25214 by ggppdk
Posting the full html source code is not so helpful, posting a URL will help to take a quick look at it, to see if it is an FC bug

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12 years 9 months ago #25260 by ggppdk
I see that the minigallery code is loaded without you having added a minigallery field.

Check in global configuration the parameter:

Performance Options

If you have:
Always (not recommended)
Only in item view

then the js code of minigallery is loaded because the field is created ... regardless if it is used

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12 years 9 months ago #25274 by arnaud.blain
I had in Performance options "Only when needed" and changed for "Only in item view" bt it's the same

I gave you my website access in PM


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