SQL queries in flexiaccess[SOLVED-ADVANCED CACHE ON]

12 years 11 months ago - 12 years 11 months ago #23243 by aloisio
[NOTE] by ggppdk: problem is having 30+ templates with FLEXIcontent cache turned off

I am having a serious problem of slowness using flexicontent 1.5.6, flexiaccess in joomla 1.5.
To analyze the problem I did two equal installments of joomla and occurs in one of them NOT the problem occurs.
I have asked my hosting support to make a comparative analysis of the two sites and their response was:

Dear Customer,

We have enabled debug mode in the two sites that you have indicated: the site where there are problems of slowness and the normal site.

We have seen that in the normal site being generated 242 SQL queries while the slow site is generating 626 SQL queries.

The very high number of SQL queries make the request takes much longer to run and thus generates the delay.

Since most SQL queries are made to the table jos_flexiaccess_acl suggest you consult the technical service Flexiaccess the reason so many SQL queries are performed on a site and the other does not.

Our server is properly configured and has no performance problems, the problem seems to be the extension configuration or a bug in the extension that brings down the performance drastically.

Last edit: 12 years 11 months ago by aloisio.

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12 years 11 months ago #23250 by ggppdk
mmm, have they measured the execution time taken by these queries?

typically these queries will take < 2 ms each

Replace the files

with the one in the attachment:
[attachment=0:1xm3k780]<!-- ia0 -->database.zip<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:1xm3k780]

The new files will allow you to see all sql queries taking more than 20 milliseconds to complete.

To set a lower value for logging, change inside these files the variable:
$min_query_time_to_log = 20; // in milliseconds
to a lower value


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12 years 11 months ago #23253 by aloisio

I have sent your instructions.

Thank you, very much.

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12 years 11 months ago #23273 by aloisio

Please, what is exactly the change I have to do in this code:
$ min_query_time_to_log = 20, / / in milliseconds


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12 years 11 months ago #23276 by ggppdk
The code i sent you will show the queries that take more time that 20/1000 of second (ak 20 milliseconds), if you want you can change this value to a bigger or smaller value

in general you don't have to change it

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12 years 11 months ago #23280 by aloisio
So, I will use it without changes.


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