How to get a Field to select joomla User?

11 months 1 day ago #85051 by rvbgnu
Hi again,

I am still improving the User Friendlyness of the web application running with FlexiContent. It is amazing to find all the many options and settings available to customise better the software. So another big thanks to the Dev Team!

I want to Display and Edit the Creator of some content types. I use the Core Joomla filed "created_by" and display it in the FlexiContent Templates, that is great. But I fall short on the Edition. We have sometimes another user who is typing in for her/his colleague, so the Joomla field Created By would the user name of the person typing in, and not the colleague. And I prefer not to mess with Editing the Core fields ;-)

So what FlexiContent Field would work for that case?
Of my plan B is to have a list of User, disconnected from the Joomla User. But this solution will require to enable/disable this list ANDthe Joomla Users list.

Please note that it is different from the other Forum topic (I've made some search before)
Select list to select a Joomla user and show his/her profile

I do not want to link to the User Profile, just his name or username.

Kind regards,

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10 months 4 weeks ago - 10 months 4 weeks ago #85072 by iamrobert
The simplest would be to set up a user account for your colleague. So - that when she enters content, she can use her username. 

You could also create an author field in FLEXIcontent and use that to populate the values - then you could type whatever values you like. eg Content Creator

This custom field will enable content enterers to specify the actual creator, ensuring accurate representation without modifying the original "created_by" field.

If your site frontend uses meta author code - you'd need to overwrite that as well:
<meta name="author" content="John Doe">

Last edit: 10 months 4 weeks ago by iamrobert.

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10 months 3 weeks ago #85075 by micker
thanks for return

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