ggppdk wrote: Hello
some microdata fields are not add by flexicontent automatically
you can add relevant flexicontent fields to the list,
and in the field configuration select their microdata role
- example about datePublished
But if you look at the item view GSD test, this value (datePublished) is perfectly well handled!
This let me think that Flexicontent DO handle those values, but we just have a problem with the categroy view.
From my point of view, the best solution would be to have ZERO GSD for category view.
That would be a simpler option.
I am
very interested on the solution you talk about in the end of your message :
ggppdk wrote: 1. create a date field
2. at EDITING Tab / VALUES Tab, configure it to show publish up time
3. at SEO table configure its microdata property to be "datePublished"
4. display the field in your catetgory view
... because maybe it could be a solution for my other problem, the one we are already talking about here:
If you tell me how I can create a field to generate the Publisher value (all I need is a place where to write down the input), it could solve my "Publisher problem."
So, I repeat because I feel I am not that clear in english:
- for the category view, the solution would be to prevent the GSD to display, in order to get ZERO article GSD in the category blog pages (this, there is no way I can do it by myself, if someone from flexicontent don't tell me how to:blink: )
- for the item view, the solution would be to create a field where to put the Publisher value (this, maybe I can handle it by myself, learning how to work with those fields)
To do so, I need to understand. When you say:
ggppdk wrote: you can add relevant flexicontent fields to the list,
... what
list are you talking about?
Thank you so much for your help, I feel we are on something, here:)