[SOLVED ]Item with state "In Progress :: Published" get 404 error

7 years 1 month ago - 7 years 1 month ago #71232 by harakys

I don't know why but since, maybe, a recent update of my joomla, all of my items where states is "In progress :: published" stop working for guest with the following error "404 COM_CONTENT_ERROR_ARTICLE_NOT_FOUND".

It always work before...

My spec:

Joomla 3.8.2
Php 7.0.26

Anyone can help me please?


Last edit: 7 years 1 month ago by harakys.

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7 years 1 month ago #71235 by ggppdk

it looks like the effect of a Joomla plugin
you can send me a PM with super admin access

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7 years 1 month ago #71240 by harakys
Thanks for your suggestion, i can determinate tha the problem was Nonumber Advanced module manager because when i disable the system plugin, all is ok.

But in fact, it's only one module who crash the site and i can identifiate it, here's what I noticed :

The module was a Flexicontent - Universal Module that grab items from a specific category and that print it on a detailled item page (in my case, a travel promotion that print on the detailled hotel page). The module filter promotions items by tags and print on the good hotel page with advanced module manager system "Articles / Selection" in Joomla! Content assignments.

Some time earlier, i think that the hotel title has been renamed and i don't know why but advanced module manager has stopped recognizing the assigned hotel...

So, why i have the error only on item with the item state "In Progress" i have really no idea, in addition the reference hotel of the promo had is state to normal published...

But, well, i erase the module and recreate it et now, the problem disapear.

Thanks ggppdk

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