Export and import flexicontent to flexicontent

7 years 6 months ago - 7 years 6 months ago #69180 by tadzio
I'm trying to understand import import in Flexicontent.
I have two websites. One of the flexicontent (articles, categories, fields, templates, types).
Second service installed demo (quickstart helix3).
Where to start to move content from the first site to the second?
I tried intuitively but I can not import the xml file. Could not parse XML file
Last edit: 7 years 6 months ago by tadzio.

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7 years 6 months ago #69183 by ggppdk

there are parameters for
field separator
and record row (= content item) separator

did you configure them ?

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7 years 6 months ago - 7 years 6 months ago #69186 by tadzio

File Attachment:

File Name: dbdata3.zip
File Size:9 KB
First I opened up the apps import / export menu.
Then I started creating xml files for fields, templates, types, ..., categories, assets 6 files xml.
Then I went to a new installation I wanted to do import this 6 xml files.

At the end of this I wanted to move the articles.
Last edit: 7 years 6 months ago by tadzio. Reason: examples

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7 years 4 months ago #70500 by Woodzy42
Hey Georgio
I am looking for a method to export flexicontent items and categories from one j3 site to another j3 site.
I would appreciate your guidance.

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7 years 4 months ago #70501 by micker
for now you need to create categorie field and type
after you can export content (all other aren't finished)

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4 years 4 months ago - 4 years 4 months ago #79428 by refacil
hello friends Micker and Georgios

I am trying to import three test logs and it generates this error message:


File has unused 1 columns : [ weblinkfld8 \n ]

Their fields (fieldnames in column header) are not assigned to chosen content type : Universidades"

The explanation that is in the import module is not clear to me.

I tried with the title of the field "Website" but it does not allow it

I tried with field type "Weblink" and it doesn't allow it either

I also try with "weblinkfld8" and neither

the file is test.txt

title, weblinkfld8 \n
All Saints University of Medicine Aruba, www.asumaruba.org/ \n
University of Aruba, www.ua.aw/ \n
Xavier University School of Medicine Aruba, edu.xusom.nl/ \n

field separator: ,

item separator: \n
Last edit: 4 years 4 months ago by refacil.

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