I try to set the "Montrer le nombre d'item" everywhere I could find it.
In the general configuration of flexicontent, in the menu link configuration, in the concerned categories. The number of items does not appear!
Because I used multiple category assignement from Flexicontent, for my menu link, I have to use the "category type" from flexicontent. Just to be clear, here a print from which option I'm talking:
For exemple here I have 2 tab:
Parameter: sub category level 1
Parameter: peer category (same level)
In both of them, I have an otpion, shows the number of item, but it does nothing.
I want the number of items appears next to each menu link of this type.
The only thing I have is a listing of sub-category on the top of the page where there is the number of items next to it.
So, where can I set that?