How to set workflow

10 years 8 months ago #47945 by amaida
How to set workflow was created by amaida
I'm trying like to set Flexicontent to set up this workflow with flexicontent but I really I can't find the right way.

Supposing we have a new item:
1. user "a" should can choose only a specific category or content type. He write an item, can not edit permissions or state. State should be "unpublished";
2. user "b" receive notification and can only edit or set to "in progress";
3. user "c" receive notification and can only update state (to "waiting for approval";
4. user "d" set the item to published, and all users of the community will be notified of the new item.

The main feature I am looking is that user "a" should create only items in specific category and using specific "content type". I tried to do this creating a group "creatore a" with specific permissions , but without successs.

Could anyoone try to write down step by step how to reach this goal?

Thank you very much in advance.


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10 years 8 months ago #47948 by ggppdk
Replied by ggppdk on topic How to set workflow

ACL works as in Joomla (read Joomla docs) but we have more ACL options

amaida wrote: 1. user "a" should can choose only a specific category or content type. He write an item, can not edit permissions or state. State should be "unpublished";

-- Use ACL for controling category assignment ("create" privelege in component/category permissions) and also ACL for controling which types can be created by the user ("Create Items" ACL privelege in type configuration)

or you can use a submit menu item override to force a specific category and/or specific content type, thus ignoring ACL

amaida wrote: 2. user "b" receive notification and can only edit or set to "in progress";

-- you can do "receive notification" in component/type configuration, and also do "edit" via ACL edit privelege in component/categories, but the "only set to in progress" is not possible, you will either give user edit state or not give him edit state

amaida wrote: 3. user "c" receive notification and can only update state (to "waiting for approval;)

- see answer above (for 2) maybe permitting specific states will be configurable in future version, now this is not available

amaida wrote: 4. user "d" set the item to published, and all users of the community will be notified of the new item.

- see answer above

amaida wrote: The main feature I am looking is that user "a" should create only items in specific category and using specific "content type". I tried to do this creating a group "creatore a" with specific permissions , but without successs.

-- see answer for 1, this is possible for both category and for (content) type


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