Link on item title on category view

10 years 9 months ago #47177 by Racers

I've created a new template to list a specific category items on my home page. I've added the title field (the core one) but I don't have links on items?

This is quite strange because on the default one it works.

Any ideas?

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10 years 9 months ago #47182 by ggppdk

-- usually in category view you can display and link the the title via parameters, these also allow linking
... and reason for having is so that you can have different behavior per category, with the TITLE FIELD you would have same behavior everywhere (ok there is a way to have multiple behavior in fields and we will providing this in v2.2.1 (=select display method when you drag field in template position))

-- in COMPONENT configuration (content lists tab or content tab:)
- "Show title in lists"
and also this parameter exists:
- "Link title in lists"

-- inside the category edit form, the above parameters become
"Show title"
"Link title"

-- please note (if you are using a menu item), the above parameters also exist in the category menu item too, so make sure that menu item is set to "Use global" for both of the above parameters


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10 years 9 months ago #47188 by Racers

Thanks for these complete answer, I have found all those parameter using a search on the forum and spending time on flexi too :D

Everything is properly set to Yes and the menu to use global configuration.

This is strange because using another flexi template it works and I cannot see any <a> generated in the code.

Here is the HTML output attached, as you'll see the HTML title is in a div.

Thanks for your help!

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10 years 9 months ago #47195 by Racers

Any idea on that?


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10 years 9 months ago #47199 by ggppdk

it is up to the FLEXIcontent template to respect and use these parameters,

all FLEXIcontent built-in templates have category layouts (category_items.php files) that respect this parameter,

has your custom template removed the original code that uses these parameters?

which FC template did you duplicate?


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