more things are planned for subscription (or subscription-like) sites
about your comments:1. Auto Publish/Unpublish,
what exactly do yo mean with this ?
1. there is publish up and publish down dates, and do exactly this
2. recent FC versions have ability to set (after you suggesting it) an Publish UP/Publish Down interval
-- the above exists in the menu item, you mean to add the above to the Content Type too ?
or you mean something else ?
2. Limits Number of Articles for each Author (or each Group)
(Free account holder allowed to create 5 articles...)
-- We implemented this per author (per user group is coming ...)
you mean added per content type ?
3. Custom Email Notification Template
yes sure ... just too much work to give this priority now
4. Simple Item Form(All my Authors are not PC-friendly )
: I don't want to display first general TAB(includes Category, Featured Category, Language and so on.. )
Yes this is rather common request, todo: add more options for simplifying frontend form further
5. Customizable State toggler in category view/item view.
: I want to display only publish/unpublish, and want to display unpublish as "SOLD".
: Authors create an article to sell their goods, but if an item sold then they have to unpublish article(maybe archive).
What about making a joomla language override both English / Japanish ?
this will avoid hacking the code or altering the language files
Hope these are acceptable for future version..