What's the best way to create table?

12 years 3 months ago #30552 by brandonking

I am currently using blog template to display item lists and presentation template for items.
But I am struggling with CSS, it is just hard for me to make nice looking table.

I want to show almost all fields into table(or separate table by subtitle1,subtitle2).I also want to set width(%) to each field.

Is there any simple way to achieve?
Or is new template coming soon?

What about giving width(%,px) for each field in the Template?
Adds new parameters(screen size) in Type to display A1 template for PC and B2 template for Mobile devices.

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12 years 3 months ago #30555 by ggppdk
Let 's be honest now :) is this a question that can be answered in this forum, imagine thousands of users per year asking minor or not so minor custom development for free, we would not be able to answer 1/10 of it even if we give all time we could spare

Some more targeted questions related to template functionality, these can be answered will contributing via feedback back to the project, e.g. recently answered how to put col0, col1, col2, col3 classes to blog template columns and this was added to blog template.

-- Also answering questions about bugs, is a different thing. Or real usability problems (which may lead to behavior change or to an new FAQ article) is a different thing

You can ask this in HTML/CSS forums or ask a freelancer for this, about giving a specific width to a field it is not guaranteed it will fit or you might decide to make its overflow hidden.

Also Googling this, will give some answers

Honestly, don't take me wrong, i spent a lot of time answering this forum, at a personal expense, and don't want to give expectations that are unrealistic, check out on some open source projects bug reports are not answered

about templates i am working on improvements , e.g. currently i am adding frontend item list order selector (tricky for custom fields) and # items per page selector (easy), beautifying the category search/filter/alpha-index area, and important work on category/search filters


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12 years 3 months ago #30571 by brandonking
Dear George,

Sorry about that.I was just asking for help from FC forum users and also suggestion to FC team.
Please don't take me wrong as well. I love FC so much :D and wanted to contribute to FC by suggesting in this forum. I thought that templates availability for screen size would make FC more powerful and it could make it much easier for FC beginners...like me.

I wish you could just simply deny it if the suggestion is not too close for developing FC.


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12 years 3 months ago #30572 by kursus
I'm not sure it would be the right direction for Flexi as well.

What you have is a basic styling/templating issue.

This is (I guess) not the first and (for sure) not the last. Styling/templating issues are always there, ALWAYS. You won't get rid of them easily until you get some decent knowledge in html/css. That's the price to pay if you have something specific in mind and want it to happen. (It's not that difficult, if you're motivated enough to get into ccks you should make it! Firebug is a nice tool to help learning).

Flexicontent needs to focus on mechanics and stay simple, and that's what it brillantly does, thanks to George. The stable version to come is totally AWESOME and makes K2 look like a toy. Now you can do pretty much everything you can think about (at least for websites, not applications like Seblod could do) and that's what we want. And that's what you will also want, as soon as you'll learn how to fix you templating issue alone, trust me ! ;)

If I get what you want it would be something like :
<table width="600"> <tr> <td width="400"> <?php echo $field->name; ?> </td> <td width="200"> <?php echo $field->label; ?> </td> <tr> </table>

Nice reference : www.w3schools.com/html/default.asp
Good luck

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12 years 3 months ago #30584 by ggppdk
Flexible templating is important,

just now finished
the new cleaned-up template area of search/filter/pagination selector (new)/ordering selector (new)

including appropriate classes in all place to shape it in a single row or multiple rows with label or not and nice looking fields and buttons

also the new category/tags/etc filtering module has a complete templating like FLEXIcontent (universal) module,

These may sound like new features but they fit our last purpose for final version, completing advanced search view and cleaning/improving search/filtering stuff


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