Flexi Access Demo?

14 years 1 month ago #13335 by davidosullivan
Hi there,

I may be interested in your Flexi Access component BUT I need to know whether it will do what we need it to.

I appreciate that you will say 'Tell us what you need and we will tell you if it will do it' but as I am sure you appreciate as a developer these requirements are very rarely set in stone and what is required is something that is reliable and flexible enough for our needs (for example we need it to work with the AEC subscription component in specific ways but what these specific ways are will depend to some extent on what is available).

Then I suppose you would argue that people buy 'Photoshop' without a demo (actually Adobe provide demos of all their products, but anyway)- well the trouble is in the Joomla world there are simply hundreds of components that promise the earth and deliver zero- and as a low paid developer I simply cannot afford to gamble £20 here and there for things that most of the time will either not work or even if they do work, are not actually suitable.

Don't get me wrong, I am happy to pay for things when I know they a) work and are b) what I need, and am happy in fact to pay far more than you are asking, but the bottom line is that I do not think it is moraly right in the Joomla landscape to expect people to gamble their money on every product that says it will do what you need, since lets face it, to write an article that says your product will do everything is an hours work, whereas to actually make something that does so takes ALOT more.

Without being able to take your product for a test drive I simply cannot know for sure whether your product will do what I need. For example one of the things I know I will need to be able to do is customise the content of the page that occurs if the user does not have a subscription. In fact what I need to be able to do is make it so that a content item editable by the writers is shown, This may not be possible out of the box, but may be something I could do if I could customise the code- I could not find this out from a demo site, but I NEED to know these kinds of things.

So I would very much appreciate it if you could let me have a 14 day trial like Mighty Extensions do so I can test for myself if your product is right for our needs.

Thanks in advance


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14 years 1 month ago #13338 by micker
Replied by micker on topic Flexi Access Demo?
actuly we didn't have any demo for flexiaccess
actualy with flexiaccess you can do this
but you can't allow rule on specific field (simply on content)
flexicontent.org/documentation/f ... first.html
flexicontent.org/documentation/f ... ation.html
for menu integration you need to modify some files
flexicontent.org/documentation/f ... items.html
for futur version it will be compatible with joomla 1.6 aCL

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14 years 1 month ago #13351 by davidosullivan
Replied by davidosullivan on topic Flexi Access Demo?
I must say I find it pretty astonishing that you will not provide a demo or even offer a demo installation online especially given that you are not even prepared to offer any documentation or any support.

We all know that many Joomla components promise the earth and rarely deliver- and even when they do, they may not be what you actually require for reasons that you may not have known before trying out the component.

Given that this product is in its infancy and also given that your website has been crashed for the whole weekend it is unreasonable in the extreme to demand upfront payment for without letting users even see it online.

I am a very accomplished php developer and it I am quite sure that I could help with any issues there may still be with this product but I really think you should re-think your demand for payment when the end user has no guarantee that the component will even install- and if it crashes my site like yours has been over the weekend, then it would be more suitable for me to demand compensation rather than for you to demand payment.

All I am asking for is a trial, or to at least see it working. I do not think this is at all unreasonable.

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14 years 1 month ago #13361 by micker
Replied by micker on topic Flexi Access Demo?
i am free moderator .. not dev .. just a older user ...
Emmanuel works on new version of flexicontent (joomla 1.5-1.6 with ACL) and new version of flexiaccess ..
try to send to him an MP ...
but you can see this flexicontent work great (some bug but nothing harder ..) emmanuel work on in relation with joomla core team and his work is reconiez .. flexicontent and flexiaccess are use in french administration site ..
the subscription is for supporting dev ..
His is choice
maybe for next version a demo plan but i didn't have any news

FLEXIcontent is Free but involves a very big effort on our part.
Like the our support? (for a bug-free FC, despite being huge extension) Like the features? Like the ongoing development and future commitment to FLEXIcontent?
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14 years 1 month ago #13367 by davidosullivan
Replied by davidosullivan on topic Flexi Access Demo?
Ok well I bought it, but now I am even more convinced that charging for this at this stage is quite simply inappropriate- the documentation is simply not adequate and the component itself does not contain enough instruction on its pages.

I should have looked at the documentation on this site as I would have discovered it is VERY far from complete and has been so according to the dates on the 'Rules' article for example for nearly a year!

It is not at all obvious to me how you use the 'Rules' but I presume something in there will allow me to do the following:-

I have a group set up called 'Subscribers' and a FA category called 'Articles'. Currently when the user cannot access the Articles Category it simply looks like the site is broken as you just see the default 403 page.

What I need to happen is for the user to be redirected to a 'You need to subscribe' page. I presume this is what rules are for but there does not appear to be any documentation to explain how these are used.

This is precisely why I felt the need to have a demo so other potential users beware!

My support request for this issue is located at flexicontent.org/forum/index.php ... =viewtopic


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