créer des RULES pour flexi access

13 years 8 months ago #16218 by jpn007

Est il possible de créer des règles du style :

Quand un utilisateur devient auteur dans joomla il passe automatiquement dans un groupe de flexi access ?

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13 years 8 months ago #16233 by micker
je suis pas sur ...
essaie de contacter manu pour ca

FLEXIcontent is Free but involves a very big effort on our part.
Like the our support? (for a bug-free FC, despite being huge extension) Like the features? Like the ongoing development and future commitment to FLEXIcontent?
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13 years 8 months ago #16250 by thierryhl
Avec AEC ça fonctionne, mais c'est payant

Joomla : 1.5.22
Flexicontent : 1.5.4 stable (r558)
FlexiAcces : 1.0.5
AEC : 0.14
Community builder : 1.4
Kunena : 1.6.3

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13 years 8 months ago #16251 by micker
j'aurai des news la semaine prochaine

FLEXIcontent is Free but involves a very big effort on our part.
Like the our support? (for a bug-free FC, despite being huge extension) Like the features? Like the ongoing development and future commitment to FLEXIcontent?
-- Add your voice to the FLEXIcontent JED listing reviews. Thanks![/size]

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13 years 8 months ago #16253 by jpn007
j'utilise OSE Membership, qui est très bien, je recherche à les coupler.

si quelqu'un a des infos... suis preneur !

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13 years 8 months ago #16405 by micker
voici quelques infos sur les rules
* aco_section_value : this defines the component of interest - login, com_user, com_banners, etc. * aco_value : seems to be a component-specific value - for example, login might define 'site', but com_user wouldn't know that value * aro_section_value : this is always 'users' in this version and would presumably be tied to jos_core_acl_aro_sec tion table above. Perhaps this informs the expected utility of that table? * aro_value : this comes from jos_core_acl_aro_gro ups and indicates the minimum required group for access * axo_section_value, axo_value : unused, mostly - com_content seems to define 'all' in the axo_section_value parameter. Input? * return_value : a few values in com_user use this, seems to be from jos_core_acl_aro_gro ups, but I haven't dug around to find out why
vili n'hesitez pas a mettre vos retours

FLEXIcontent is Free but involves a very big effort on our part.
Like the our support? (for a bug-free FC, despite being huge extension) Like the features? Like the ongoing development and future commitment to FLEXIcontent?
-- Add your voice to the FLEXIcontent JED listing reviews. Thanks![/size]

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