FLEXIcontent Universal Content Module Speed

11 years 1 week ago #45536 by iamrobert2

I am having an issue with FLEXIcontent universal content speed:

tg-bases.com/ lightpolymers.com.s171316.gridserver.com/

It is the carousel slider. Its a custom build - but just seems to take over 7 seconds for tiny images to load.

The original image is pretty small:

Any ideas?

+ FLEXIContent - 2.1.3 - r1824
+ Joomla 3.2



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11 years 1 week ago #45537 by ggppdk

use some common logic here ...

it uses phpThumb to create thumbnails,

1. it will make very big difference the size of the original images,

- the larger they are
the more time you need to create thumbnails

e.g. imagine original images being 4 MBs compared to being 200 KBs

2. also the cache maybe too small and thumbnails are not cached for long
(see our performance guide FAQ article for changing phpThumb cache size )

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11 years 1 week ago #45553 by iamrobert2
Hi Georgios,

Thanks for that - I increased the size of the cache and it has improved dramatically. I see its a recent FAQ - so I apologize for not checking earlier and wasting your time.


Digging deeper - I have also looked at my server and realized that imagemagick is not able to be accessed by default. So - I will set that up as well.



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11 years 1 week ago #45554 by ggppdk

performance guide is very recent article,

also after your question, i have divide phpThumb issue to 2 categories

- unneeded phpThumb activity
- heavy phpThumb activity

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