Using Apache Solr / Lucene Search Engine with FLEXIcontent

11 years 1 month ago #44716 by joomla_user

I was wondering if it possible to integrate Lucene search engine with Flexi ? From what i understood it is possible
to use Apache Solr as an dedicated search server in a conjunction with php joomla application.
How could this work ? is there any limitations ?

Thanks and best regards,

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11 years 1 month ago #44721 by ggppdk

FLEXIcontent advanced search index is a PHP/mysql implementation that requires no additional setup on your websites.

BUT for 50,000 + (or 10,000 + for faster performance) items it maybe preferable to use a solution like
Apache solr/lucene OR Sphinx

NOW compared to Joomla smart-search
-- FLEXIcontent advanced search indexing/re-indexing multiple times faster than Joomla Smart Search Index,
-- FLEXIcontent advanced search queries are slower than Joomla search index, but they provided FACETED search (accounting of found results)

ABOUT solr or Sphinx
- yes indeed,
Apache solr /Sphinx is multiple times faster than MySQL fulltext search, and is the only way to go if you have 100,000 + items !! also for 20,000 + items it will make your searches much faster

-- to use apache solr we would need to

add a new plugin to push data into an apache solr index
- on item save
- or when rebuilding the index

add support for it to the FLEXIcontent search view,

-- indeed this is feasible, but i do not know the amount of work it involves without studying the Solr DOCs

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11 years 2 weeks ago #45368 by micker
Maybe you can sponsor this feature ? ;)

FLEXIcontent is Free but involves a very big effort on our part.
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11 years 2 weeks ago #45383 by igcorreia
How much I can help? maybe we can join a few $$$ and make this happen....

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11 years 2 weeks ago #45384 by micker
send a mp too georgios ;) you know i am not a good dev .. :o

FLEXIcontent is Free but involves a very big effort on our part.
Like the our support? (for a bug-free FC, despite being huge extension) Like the features? Like the ongoing development and future commitment to FLEXIcontent?
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