Textselect with jquery.Select2 lib takes a very long respond

11 years 3 months ago #42986 by evolutiveMedia
When I fill a textselect with the cities of my country, the combo does not respond in nearly 1 mn after pressing the mouse on it.

The problem is in the "select2" jqueries, if you change the 'id' name, in their tags, they become usable.

Hope this helps.

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11 years 3 months ago #42988 by micker
i think you have too much value for this script ... maybe try to disable it in global config of flexicontent

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11 years 3 months ago #42999 by ggppdk

i think this browser performance issue with select2 lib maybe fixable, when you speak of tag ID you speak of tag id for every <option> or for <select> ?

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11 years 1 month ago #44784 by evolutiveMedia
Solved: I've set minimumInputLength=2 for the slowest combo and loading time is now acceptable.

ggppdk wrote: Hello

i think this browser performance issue with select2 lib maybe fixable, when you speak of tag ID you speak of tag id for every <option> or for <select> ?

You're right, select2 requires some tweaks regarding speed, such a useful control deserves it... and I was refering to <option>. Thank you so much!

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11 years 1 week ago #45547 by ggppdk

for v2.1.3,

we updated select2 lib to latest version,

(v2.1.3 r1857 beta is available for download, which includes the above, it should has no new bugs except for 1 incomplete new feature)

will test performance of it and either provide a parameter for limiting select2 to selects with less than NNNNN options, or silently not add it if greater than NNNNN

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