article in start page after search

8 years 4 months ago #64959 by aarguell2000
When i make a search the result appear in specific page but when click in the title of an article this article appear bottom an module of images in the start page. I need that article appear in one page only for this and not in the start page. How can i make this? Thanks

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8 years 4 months ago - 8 years 4 months ago #64961 by ggppdk

The place that item, will appear
- depends on the menus that you have created,

For every item a category menu item is selected, (or some other FLEXIcontent menu item if no category menu item is found)
- and the selected menu items has some modules assignments,
- and may even have a different Joomla template
- or it may have the same Joomla template but with different configuration (e.g. header color is set differently)

To make item appear as you like:
- create a menu item to point to the category of the item
- make sure that this menu items show the modules that you want and has the Joomla template that you want

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Last edit: 8 years 4 months ago by ggppdk.

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