Extended Filter for Flexicontent doesn't show all result

10 years 5 months ago #49788 by giulialink
i use Extended Filter for Flexicontent i have two filter, all search and a-z search. All works, but the filter doesn't show all the products.
For exemple there are 9 new products but the filter show only 5 of that.
But on the backend in "search index" section there are all 9 products.

How can i do?


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10 years 5 months ago #49789 by ggppdk

in frontend these are considered:
- item state
- access level
- publish up-down
- language

and ... current filtering
and ... optionally any permanents filters if so configured in category configuration or in menu item categoryy configuration

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10 years 5 months ago #49793 by giulialink
In the list of products the item appears. But when i filiter the products for "new" field (checkbox).
I see only five products of nine. But on the product's page of four products doesen't appear on search page there is new field.
- item state: publish
- access level: public
- publish up-down ??
- language: only ita

For exemple i can see on products page:
a b c d e f g h i and a b c d e is new. I filter by new and the template show only a b and c, but on d and e page have new field.

So i have the problem only in the filter results page.

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10 years 5 months ago #49794 by ggppdk

-- first please note that we support ONLY the extensions created by us

-- we have a filtering module for displaying, when you say that "Extended Filter for Flexicontent" do you mean a 3rd party module ?

we have no knowledge of what it does and we can not support it

please test with FLEXIcontent filtering module, then you may re try this module

ok, having said the above, we assume that you are using FLEXIcontent filtering module (you may post a link to your web-page too with instructions on how to see the issue)

1. so items appear in frontend without filtering

2. you apply a specific field filter

a. what is this field ?
a text field ?
a select field?

b. do you use filer range or specific filter value ?

c. if you use specific filter values do you select multiple, did you select to "require ALL" filter values or any in the field configuration ?

d. what is the value that you are filtering ? is it a number ? do some items have an empty value ? is the field set to be multi-value ?


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10 years 5 months ago #49809 by giulialink
Thanks for the support.
I contact the extension team :)


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10 years 5 months ago #49815 by ggppdk

you should also test with FLEXIContent content lists filtering module to see if it experiences similar behaviour

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