j2store + Flexicontent - informations

9 years 2 months ago #59147 by tramber91
Hi all

very few topics of j2store integration in FC
I just start to test it on a new test webwite (Gantry 5, J3.4.7). Did you test it ?

I first install your plugin, in FC download page. Not update ? Missing j2store field ? Maybe should be better to relink to j2store website ?

First questions
Better to use j2store images or FC images fields ?

take care


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9 years 2 months ago #59148 by micker
=> j2store plugin is create by j2store compagny (they manage page too) contact us

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9 years 2 months ago #59157 by ggppdk

Better to use j2store images or FC images fields ?

FLEXIcontent image-gallery field will have better intergration with FLEXIcontent pages
- personally i have not tried j2store images yet

please test v3.0.10 with j2store in dev / localhost website:

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9 years 2 months ago #59174 by tramber91
Ok thanks
I'm waiting about J2store comments too (Forum)

FC Upgrade done but only with zip file, (error with tar gz file)

As far i can see, in FC site - Extension download
You have a complete package, J2Sore (3.1.6) + 2 plugins

Today, the latest version of J2store is 3.2.4

As i said, should be better to make, in your download area,, only a link to J2Store Web site
to avoid update j2store and update plugins issues

take care


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9 years 2 months ago #59177 by tramber91
Few test this afternoon

I use default template:

1) i have selected gallery fo display images

2) Possible to add comments (Jcomments) in a tab (default template) ?

3) Cpncerning technical data management (Display in tab)
I have read this topic : auto hide empty custom fields?
Should be great to have this trick for these fields

4) Main issue:
I cannot succeed to display J2store options (select created options) in a FC article - Back end
Created option (J2store config)

Option Selection (FC article)

I have post this issue on J2store forum without answer yet
Maybe a javascript conflict
I don't know if it is related to FC ??
Did you test it ?


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9 years 2 months ago #59184 by tramber91
Hi all

I have first answer from J2store team

Try setting the Load Jquery UI to both front end and backend.
Flexicontent is loading the jquery autocomplete UI twice , which is causing the issue. Can you report this issue to FC forum ?

on Forum J2store

I did all test, not working, i cannot apply an option to an article !

Same question, did you test it to know i i have wrong config or we have somewhere a little bug??



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