content types gone after migration from 1.5 to 2.5

10 years 10 months ago #46912 by gcprnet
I just tested a potential migration from 1.5 to 2.5 on my testserver (according to ... -tool.html ) and everything seemed to work out pretty well till I came to step 8 (edit-save all content types) when I realized that all my content types except for "article" are gone. When I went into this a bit deeper, I discovered that all my fields are gone too. I have more than 2000 articles that do not have "article" as type and are now mapped to this type (which I actually do not use). Is this a common problem? If yes, could anyone please tell me how to avoid it?

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10 years 10 months ago #46913 by micker
Try fleximigrate by netassopro
It works great and free

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10 years 10 months ago #46919 by ggppdk

the J1.5 DB tables should be there, right ?

so what DB prefix did you have in the J1.5 web-site ?

it seems that for some reason the JUpgrade did not copy the tables

do this:

1. uninstall FC in the newly J2.5 upgraded web-site
BE CAREFUL DO NOT UNINSTALL FC in J1.5 site it will delete the flexicontent DB tables !

2. using phpmyadmin copy all *_flexicontent_* DB TABLES with the new J2.5 DB prefix

3. install latest FC in J2.5 web-site and re-follow the upgrade steps described in the guide


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