1.5 to 2.5 upgrade -categories, fields, menus, types, templa

12 years 10 months ago #24707 by WarnerP
I'm working through the Joomla 1.5 to 2.5 upgrade. I installed Flexicontent 2.0 RC4 r1235. I had been using Flexicontent 1.5.6 RC3 1151. I clicked through the upgrade items.

Six things I noticed so far.

I had to rebuild my flexicontent modules as those don't appear to have migrated.

This module also seems to be missing the teaser image option under Image Display parameters for Items>Image Parameters>Image Source

All the categories defaulted to the root so need to be reorganized into their proper menu orders (a bit difficult and tedious).

Looks like my Types, and Fields are gone as well.
The templates are also not set correctly.

The Menu items come back with "Component 'com_flexicontent' does not exist" under Menu Item Type. I had to reassign these menu types as well.

Are these expected behaviors or am I missing a step? Is there a simple way of exporting and importing the settings? This seems a bit excessive to have to recreate all these items.

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12 years 10 months ago #24709 by kenmcd
I am not aware of any working migration path at this time.
So I am not sure why you think what ever you are doing should work.

You do not mention which Joomla migration tool you are using.

SP Upgrade does not migrate any 3rd-party extensions.
So it has no effect on migrating anything related to FLEXIcontent.

JUpgrade only works for 3rd-party extensions for which they have a plug-in.
I am not aware of any FLEXIcontent plug-in for JUpgrade.
So it has no effect on migrating anything related to FLEXIcontent.

No FLEXIcontent modules will be migrated by either of these migration tools.
Generally these migration tools have no effect on any 3rd-party modules.

The FLEXIcontent categories have a different structure in J1.5 vs. J2.5.
Categories will need a migration script to be migrated properly.

Joomla menu items are related to a component ID.
It is doubtful the new FLEXIcontent 2.0.x version you installed on the new J2.5 website is going to have the same component ID in the database.
So no old FLEXIcontent menu items are going to work.
This is the same for migrating all 3rd-party components.

And there are many other migration issues which would need to be resolved to automate any of the process.
My understanding is the migration issue will not be addressed until some time after the "stable" releases of the current FLEXIcontent versions under development.


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12 years 10 months ago #24730 by WarnerP
Thanks for the explanation. I used JUpgrade. The only post I've seen about 1.5 to 2.5 ended in March.
www.flexicontent.org/forum/index ... c&start=20

Last I read, from that same article, the newer RC version worked with 2.5 so I assumed that it would have remapped the respective data or that there would be an easy way to relink the data. I guess it's my fault for assuming that all the tables would have migrated.
Is there an active post about the status?

Also, is there a comparison on what new features Flexicontent 2.0 will add to the joomla core 2.5?

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12 years 10 months ago #24735 by kenmcd
JUpgrade does not migrate any tables for any 3rd-party extension,
unless it has a plug-in for that extension.
There is no JUpgrade plug-in for FLEXIcontent that I am aware of.

So none of your FLEXIcontent tables were migrated.
And none of the FLEXIcontent extended data is present in the new database.

Not sure what you mean by "relink the data."
But I assume you mean the FLEXIcontent extended data.
The FLEXIcontent extended data is linked to an article/item using the Joomla article ID.

Previously JUpgrade changed all the Joomla articles IDs during migration.
This broke the connection to the FLEXIcontent extended data.
Recently an update to JUpgrade included an option to maintain the same article IDs.
I have not tested this newer version yet.
But it now may be possible to have the FLEXIcontent extended data be linked to the proper article/item if the FLEXIcontent tables are present in the new database.
Again, I have not tested this.

JUpgrade previously also changed all the category IDs.
And because sections no longer exist in J2.5, all sections became categories.
How these sections and categories are migrated affects FLEXIcontent.
JUpgrade now attempts to migrate most categories with the same category IDs.
This may enable most FLEXIcontent items to still be linked to the correct primary category.
But secondary categories, have no idea.

FLEXIcontent 1.5 uses one Joomla section as a base category for all the nested categories.
JUpgrade migrates that section as another category.
Since Joomla 2.5 now has nested categories FLEXIcontent 2.0 uses that structure, and adds the ability to have items in multiple categories just like in FLEXIcontent 1.5.
At this point I am not even sure how to transfer the categories from FC1.5/J1.5 to FC2.0/J2.5.
Obviously some sort of migration tool is required.

Menu Items
JUpgrade only migrates 3rd-party component menu items for which it has a plug-in.
Joomla connects Menu Items to the component using the component ID.
There is no components table in J2.5 like there is in J1.5.
Existing components must be migrated to the new extensions table.
So all menu items must be migrated to connect to the new component ID in the new extensions table.
At this point I have no idea how to do this automatically.
Obviously some sort of migration tool is required.

Because FLEXIcontent uses the core Joomla content tables,
the core Joomla migration issues also affect FLEXIcontent migration.
This is a migration not an upgrade.

Regarding the status of a FLEXIcontent 1.5 to 2.0 migration path,
this issue is currently planned to be addressed after the release of the current stable versions.

Regarding the features in FC2.0/J2.5 vs. FC1.5/J1.5,
most of the same features are in both versions.
But this is something which is still in-progress.


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12 years 10 months ago #24847 by yasarts
I found a migration profile for Flexi on the jUprade forum : redcomponent.com/forum/92-jupgra ... ons#122975 .
It work (for article, fields, templates...), except for the architecture of category and it don't keep the menu ling 'flexi' but it's a good first step.

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12 years 10 months ago #24851 by micker
good news !

FLEXIcontent is Free but involves a very big effort on our part.
Like the our support? (for a bug-free FC, despite being huge extension) Like the features? Like the ongoing development and future commitment to FLEXIcontent?
-- Add your voice to the FLEXIcontent JED listing reviews. Thanks![/size]

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