Admin Updates on

13 years 1 month ago #21883 by kenmcd
Updates to let everyone know what I have been doing on
Everything is (or was) out of date.

Slowly things are getting cleaned-up
Still more to do.

Done so far

- Updated FLEXIcontent from 1.5.5 stable (r600) to 1.5.6 preRC3 (r1110)
- Installed FLEXIcontent Topmenu Icon module v1.0.0
- Un-installed eXtplorer (does not work even after update to most recent version 2.1.0RC5)

- Updated AllVideos Reloaded from v1.2.6. to v1.2.7 (security update)

- Updated Joomla from 1.5.22 to 1.5.25 (security update)
- Installed NinjaExplorer v1.0.6

No activity in the vistamedia Twitter account in over a year and a half - silly to link to it
- Disabled Twitter Counter module
- Commented-out Twitter Follow Me button in template file - site and forum
- Updated Xmap component from v1.2.9 to v1.2.14

- Installed ArtAdminer component, fixed the installation (SQL did not run), and tested

- Installed EasyCalcCheck PLUS plug-in to reduce the automated spam registrations
- Tested registration with kenmcdsurvey user - worked - no email confirmation required! seems odd ???
- Updated the NoNumber Manager using the NoNumber Manager

- Updated the NoNumber extensions using the NoNumber Manager
- Updated eXtplorer - but it still does not work
- Installed Admin Tools
- Attempted to update Joomla 1.5.22 to 1.5.25 using Admin Tools - error! looks like ownership issues


- update phpBB3 from 3.0.5 to 3.0.11
- update RokBridge from 1.0rc10 to 1.0rc14

- perhaps update the website template (has some fixes and supports MooTools update plug-in)
- - v1.5.3 is installed now, last version I have is 1.5.7

Still analyzing the spam registrations issue.
We have three different registration forms which are being spammed.
- Joomla
- VirtueMart
- phpBB3
A hack will probably be needed to stop the phpBB3 registrations.
Hard to see exactly what is happening without access to site logs.

Also think I may have identified the cookies issue causing log-in and access issues.
Have to look at it some more.

- update VirtueMart from 1.1.3 to 1.1.9, or just change the login module and remove it?
- - it has had multiple security releases since 1.1.3


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13 years 1 month ago #21884 by ggppdk
Great job Ken, i have written a sum up of new features here: ... =10#p21876

But i will need to look into changelog to see what i have missed

we have changelog
1. r554-r905
2. r957-r1110
3. i need to write changelog r905-957


-- Flexicontent is Free but involves a big effort on our part.
Like the our support? (for a bug-free FC, despite having a long list of functions) Like the features? Like the ongoing development and future commitment to FLEXIcontent?
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13 years 1 month ago #21892 by micker
impressive work !!!!!
if you have sometime i vote for new template ...
maybe juste a new reference color (remplace green by blue for exemple)

it possible to add a systeme to add simply [solved][problem] [version flexicontent] in subject on phpbb ?
link on french joomla forum


FLEXIcontent is Free but involves a very big effort on our part.
Like the our support? (for a bug-free FC, despite being huge extension) Like the features? Like the ongoing development and future commitment to FLEXIcontent?
-- Add your voice to the FLEXIcontent JED listing reviews. Thanks![/size]

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13 years 1 month ago #21895 by micker
hello it possible to install joomfish ?

FLEXIcontent is Free but involves a very big effort on our part.
Like the our support? (for a bug-free FC, despite being huge extension) Like the features? Like the ongoing development and future commitment to FLEXIcontent?
-- Add your voice to the FLEXIcontent JED listing reviews. Thanks![/size]

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13 years 1 month ago #21909 by kenmcd
- Installed ReDJ v1.5.6 - to help manage redirecting changed URLs
- Installed Joom!Fish v2.1.7
- Installed Joom!Fish Component Translation - French v2.0.3
- Updated Joomla French language from 1.5.15 to 1.5.23


I tested it locally first . . . and all seemed to work . . .
So I installed Joom!Fish here and enabled the French (yippee, did not break the forum integration)
Also installed the FR language for the Joom!Fish component.
Don't know if it was needed, but I also updated the Joomla FR language pack.

I also installed the ReDJ component to help manage redirecting all the old URLS which are now going to change.
This will be an ongoing process to catch and redirect all the links out in the wild, and in the forum, etc.
Think I will start a thread just for reports of broken incoming links I need to add to ReDJ.
ReDJ does track the incoming links which are broken,
so I will be monitoring that.

Template on

Yes, I do not like it either.
RT templates are generally bloated eye-candy templates
with multiple usability and design problems
targeted at newbies who do not know any better.
Biggest source of template problems in the Sobi2 forum.

But, we have more important things to do first.
And it is connected too many ways right now.
The VirtueMart login is integrated in that black bar.
How that is connected to AEC is unclear to me right now.
There are still a few FLEXIaccess subscriptions each month.
Do not want to affect that without discussions.
The phpBB3 template is also integrated with the website template.
So both would need to be changed at the same time.
And the forum integration may also have to be changed.

Still figuring out how it is all tied together.
When you do not build the website it takes awhile to find all the hidden treasures.

The green vs. blue is something which will need discussion in the future.
It is a part of the FLEXIcontent brand, so it seems appropriate.

We have other more important things to do first.


Your summary-of-changes posts are very helpful to everyone.
ChangeLogs show people that progress is being made.
This is a good thing.
I would like to incorporate the ChangeLog into the website someplace.
That will show website browsers that the project is active and moving forward.

So I will be thinking about the best way to do that.
After we (Yannick) get the docs more organized and updated
and I get the extension directory up and running.




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13 years 1 month ago #21911 by ggppdk
A Note:
in changelog i did not include bugs introduced and fixed by v1.5.6 ... ;)

also , on my other link, ... =10#p21876
i started to summarize new features, but it is far from being a complete list, will copy it into an unpublish article,

yesterday i was sick, and spent most of the day in bed, will take a look at the new faq items today so that Yannick can translate tomorrow.
Also we could use the new faq template for grouping these items under a category name.

-- Flexicontent is Free but involves a big effort on our part.
Like the our support? (for a bug-free FC, despite having a long list of functions) Like the features? Like the ongoing development and future commitment to FLEXIcontent?
-- Add your voice to the FLEXIcontent JED listing with a 5-star...

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Moderators: vistamediajoomlacornerggppdk
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