Backend permissions > Components > FLEXIcontent missing

14 years 9 months ago #7394 by kath

i am missing "FLEXIcontent" under "Components" in the "Backend & specific permissions" of "FLEXIAccess".
So i can't grant access to my group to add a new FLEXIContent Item.

is there another way to either
- grant access or
- show the FA component under the rules

more info:
- (i did manage to grant access to view all items by defining my own "specific" rule.)
- FLEXIcontent version is 1.5.2 Stable (build 166)
- FLEXIAccess version is 1.0.4
- plugins etc. are publish in correct order
- i did try "Custom Quick Icons for FLEXIaccess". did that maybe destroy someting?

thanks for any advice!
kath :)

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14 years 9 months ago #7395 by kath
one thing i forgot:
my joomla 1.5.15 backend shows 'FLEXIcontent' in it's own menu, NOT under 'components'.
can that be the cause of my trouble?

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14 years 9 months ago #7401 by kenmcd

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14 years 9 months ago #7430 by kath
thanks kenmcd,

but that didn't do the trick yet. here's what i id:

- updated FC to "FC152-r185" as the install/upgrade procedure here states:
note: my joomla BE > Extensions > Components now states "r180" (not "r185")

- updated FA to "1.0.4a". followed exactly the install/upgrade procedure (see above).
same version as before acc. to joomla BE > Extensions > Components.

again, i did no fresh install but an upgrade since i don't want to lose all my configuration.

what else can i do?

thanks! kath

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14 years 9 months ago #7499 by kath
i still cannot grant access to FC component.
(i can let groups access the "FLEXIcontent global permissions", but it leads to errors since the component itself does not appear under "Backend & specific permissions" > "Components")

as stated above i installed both version following exactly the instructions.
exception: FC r185 says that it actually is r180.

but my BE still looks like this: (see image. rightclick > 'view image' shows full image)

i greatly appreciate any help! am i missing somthing?
i'm a bit frustated since i paid for FA component and it's not doing its job at this point.


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14 years 9 months ago #7502 by micker
hello you didn't create any group ???
to start do it
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