Tags not showed when clicked

8 years 10 months ago #61433 by Romanini
i'm Chiara and i'm writing to you because i need a help with the set up of the tags.
I've got the version 3.5.1.
When i create a new item with the administrator user, i write a lot of tags and they are visible on the published page.
The problem is when i click to one of them on the published page: the new page created after the click is a research page and doesn't show my tags (i read a text like "no articles founded"). But if i click on the set-up button, the page will reload and will show me the correct tags.
Is there the possibility to show me the articles with the item selected direcly after the click on the specific tag?
I try to explain my problem with words but maybe it can be more helpfull if i add a file with the images.
Thanks a lot for the help
Have a nice day
Chiara :)

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8 years 10 months ago #61435 by micker
Replied by micker on topic Tags not showed when clicked
FLEXIcontent version please ?

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8 years 10 months ago #61437 by Romanini
the installed version is 3.0.14-rc2a

Thank you :)

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8 years 10 months ago #61438 by ggppdk
Replied by ggppdk on topic Tags not showed when clicked

the view is subject to normal filter
- state
- access (item / type / category access)
- language
- filtering option in the currently selected menu item

try these
- login as SUPER ADMIN and open the view , do the items show ?
- disable SEF urls, what is the non-SEF URL of the view ?
paste it here

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8 years 10 months ago - 8 years 10 months ago #61440 by Romanini
Thank you very much for the advice.
I logged as superadmin and changed the configuration of URL, and the tags worked correctly.
Is there the possibility to log as superadmin but don't disable the Search Engine Friendly URL's?

Thank you so much
Last edit: 8 years 10 months ago by Romanini.

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8 years 10 months ago #61444 by ggppdk
Replied by ggppdk on topic Tags not showed when clicked

i did not say to use non-SEF urls,
i said to find the non-SEF URL

so that we can learn which filtering is active (e.g. active menu item and the type)

so what is the non-SEF url ?

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