As some of you know, exists a problem with Yootheme and the way you can steer viewing of menupoints with flexiaccess, for usecase show different frontend-Editing areas for different Usergroups.
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i described how i "thought" that i found a solution:
"I handle it know with an special Navigation point wich i assigned one of the standard Joomla Templates. There i create a new menu only shown under these navipoint, wich was also assigned to standard template. In that menu i place menupoints for different Usergroups to create content in theyr special categories.
And in Standard-Template i made the changes micker describes in last posting, to hide menuPoints over FlexiAccess."
But these brings me to the next important problem. Now i have these seperated link, but in relation with SH404SEF these creates for the new created blogentry an loop in SH404SEF because a relation to the "hidden" Menupoint over i go to the Flexicontent-Frontend Editing was placed. If i look in SH404SEF i see that there was duplicat exists wich points to the menu itemID of these page as main duplicate.
If i change the Main-Duplicat to another one, without relation to these itemid, all works as expected. Also i could handle it over purge all URL's.
But that was not a real way, because these frontend-Editing was for external usergroups?
So how could i avoid these behaviour?