Hi Everyone,
I'm trying to configure flexiaccess and flexicontent for a blog that I'm creating with lots of categories and contributors.
I would like contributor's articles to appear in a bottom level category that I nominate AND in the top level (parent categories) only.
My category tree looks like this:
The locations category is the blog front page and sub categories - specific locations - form the menu (to filter the articles).
I'm looking for a solution so that when a melbourne contributor publishes an article it appears in the melbourne category (as confingured in flexiaccess) and automatically appear in the top level 'locations' category (the front page). If there was a way to have all parent categories included (ie. australia and locations) that would be great but not essential.
I'm guessing this could be achieved one of two ways.
1. modifying catgory.php to show articles from child categories - as per
... =viewtopic
(this didn't seem to work for me). (see modified
* Method to get the children of a category
* @access private
* @return array
function getChilds()
$query = $this->_buildChildsquery();
$this->_childs = $this->_getList($query);
// $this->_childs = $this->_getList($query, $this->getState('limitstart'), $this->getState('limit'));
$k = 0;
$count = count($this->_childs);
for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
$category =& $this->_childs[$i];
$category->assigneditems = $this->_getassigned( $category->id );
$category->subcats = $this->_getsubs( $category->id );
$this->_id = $category->id;
$category->items = $this->getData();
$this->_data = null;
$k = 1 - $k;
$this->_id = $id;
return $this->_childs;
2. forcing category id 8 (locations) to be added to every new item through customisation.
I'd guess option 2 is an easy modification I'm just not sure which is the relevant file or how to alter it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated - this is my final stumbling. block.
PS: a better long term solution would to control parent and child category permissions independently through flexi access (like the propagate child READ permissions)