Hide with FA the presenting of different Types in backend

13 years 7 months ago #17242 by tbunte
Following Usecase:
If you have a website with different Types for viewing (Blog, Portal, FAQ f.e.) and you limit over flexiaccess for a group the access to a category wich had Category-Layout with Type Blog.

If a user of these group go to backend he could only items from these category and if he try to create a new one, he has in New Item only these category.

But in "Beitragstyp" (i only see the german wording, pulldown under Alias) he could see and choose all possible Types and not only type Blog?

That there are too much option in the pulldown was not constraint and brings Dummy user to a problem.

Is it possible that only Types will shown, wich context are allowed (over category, or with steering of types)

best regards,

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13 years 7 months ago #17244 by ggppdk
You are right this is needed, but solution is not obvious and not straight forward. Since the type of item depends on the category that he will choose. This need quite some time to think and implement ... now that i think of it i need this too ... I ll add it in the TODO list.

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13 years 7 months ago #17245 by ggppdk
I have an idea for a partial solution:

If we add to category a multiple select box of allowed Item TYPES.

And when user tries to save the item he will get an error and item will not be saved.

But still all types will be visible to him.

What do you think?

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13 years 7 months ago #17258 by tbunte
Will help, because it avoids using wrong Types.

Question: the direct relation between the used Category and field could be complicated.

Maybe it was easier to handle these over an rolesteering in Types.
Means that you can show/hide types also with FA Roles/Groups.
So admin will allow the same role to handle a specific category and -a related- Type?

These means a little bit more administration effort, but it will fix the need.

best regards,

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13 years 7 months ago #17264 by ggppdk
Added in as an enhancement in the bug tracker not to forget:
code.google.com/p/flexicontent/i ... %20Summary


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13 years 7 months ago #17438 by micker
a function to hide field in front-end form could be interesting with FA not ?

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