How do I install a language pack?

7 years 2 months ago #71400 by Umbrella69
admin and front :)

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7 years 2 months ago #71410 by micker
actived error for translation in global config and check if file are loaded

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7 years 2 months ago #71429 by Umbrella69
I do not understand what you wrote :(
I do not know how to check if the translation file has been loaded?

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7 years 2 months ago #71430 by ggppdk

just now,
i have download and installed our polish translation

then i logged out and
then at the login screen (user password) i selected Polish language
and i logged

the backend FLEXIcontent dashboard looks translated (see the picture)
if you have downloaded the package a few days ago or last week, it is better to redownload it

picture is

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7 years 2 months ago #71431 by Umbrella69
I did as you wrote :)
1. I downloaded the FlexiContent language pack again today:

2. I installed using:
>>> Joomla > Extension > Manage > Install > Upload Package File>

3. I logged out of Joomla.

4. I logged in to Joomla by choosing the default language (my default language is Polish) - no translation.

5. I logged in to Joomla by selecting (test) Polish - no translation.

Do you want to access Joomla with administrator privileges? Where should I submit?


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7 years 2 months ago #71432 by ggppdk

yes you can send me a PM with super admin login

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