PreWork Author Plugin questions

14 years 8 months ago #8254 by devil

this is a question to the FlexiContent Users and to the Developers of FlexiContent.

Okay at first my Idea: I will Develope an plugin that do the follow.

Show Avatar from the author
Show Author Bio
Show SocialMedia Profil Link (Twitter + Facebook etc.)
so it will looks like in K2.

The Information (Avatar etc.) will be an extra Article. Okay let explain this more:

The user install this plugin and configure the params.
Then he must create a new Category and a new type with fields.

Now the plugin will get the information from the article and will show the infos inside the article.

Now my question to the developer: is there someting planned from the devs?

When the developers says: no than i will ask you, the user:

Can someone use those plugin? Will someone help so we can work together?

I hope my english was good enough so you understand what i mean :oops:

best regards:

Joomla-Aktuell -

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14 years 8 months ago #8369 by micker
it's do !

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14 years 8 months ago #8547 by sparky
I'm assuming that "it's do" means "it's done"? And that it will be incorporated into future releases?



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14 years 8 months ago #8558 by micker
no it just do for moved topic ..

FLEXIcontent is Free but involves a very big effort on our part.
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