change background color in blog view

14 years 7 months ago #6913 by micker
it work on the first page !
but if i do a pagination it's doesn't work on page 2 ...
can you help me ?
<?php /** * @version 1.5 beta 5 $Id: blog_items.php 85 2009-10-10 13:48:04Z vistamedia $ * @package Joomla * @subpackage FLEXIcontent * @copyright (C) 2009 Emmanuel Danan - * @license GNU/GPL v2 * * FLEXIcontent is a derivative work of the excellent QuickFAQ component * @copyright (C) 2008 Christoph Lukes * see for more information * * FLEXIcontent is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' ); // first define the template name $tmpl = $this->tmpl; ?> <?php if ((($this->params->get('use_filters', 0)) && $this->filters) || ($this->params->get('use_search')) || ($this->params->get('show_alpha', 1))) : ?> <form action="<?php echo $this->action; ?>" method="post" id="adminForm"> <?php if ((($this->params->get('use_filters', 0)) && $this->filters) || ($this->params->get('use_search'))) : ?> <div id="fc_filter" class="floattext"> <?php if ($this->params->get('use_search')) : ?> <div class="fc_fleft"> <input type="text" name="filter" id="filter" value="<?php echo $this->lists['filter'];?>" class="text_area" onchange="document.getElementById('adminForm').submit();" /> <button onclick="document.getElementById('adminForm').submit();"><?php echo JText::_( 'FLEXI_GO' ); ?></button> <button onclick="document.getElementById('filter').value='';document.getElementById('adminForm').submit();"><?php echo JText::_( 'FLEXI_RESET' ); ?></button> </div> <?php endif; ?> <?php if (($this->params->get('use_filters', 0)) && $this->filters) : ?> <div class="fc_fright"> <?php /* echo '<span class="filter">'; echo 'Saison: ' . $this->filters['field24']->html; echo '</span>'; */ foreach ($this->filters as $filt) : echo '<div style="float:left">'; echo '<div style="width:50px; float:left; border-bottom-color:#333333; border-bottom:solid; border-bottom-width:1px">'; echo $filt->label; echo '</div>'; echo '<span class="filter">'; echo $filt->html; echo '</span>'; echo '</div>'; endforeach; ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> <?php if ($this->params->get('show_alpha', 1)) : echo $this->loadTemplate('alpha'); endif; ?> <input type="hidden" name="option" value="com_flexicontent" /> <input type="hidden" name="filter_order" value="<?php echo $this->lists['filter_order']; ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="filter_order_Dir" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="view" value="category" /> <input type="hidden" name="letter" value="" id="alpha_index" /> <input type="hidden" name="task" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $this->category->id; ?>" /> </form> <?php endif; ?> <?php $items = $this->items; $count = count($items); if ($count) : ?> <div class="content"> <?php $leadnum = $this->params->get('lead_num', 2); $leadnum = ($leadnum >= $count) ? $count : $leadnum; if ($this->limitstart == 0) : ?> <ul class="leadingblock"> <?php for ($i=0; $i<$leadnum; $i++) : ?> <li class="li_content <?php echo (($this->limitstart == 0) ? ($i+$leadnum)%2 : $i%2) ? 'leadingblock_line1' : 'leadingblock_line2'; ?>"> <div class="<?php echo (($this->limitstart == 0) ? ($i+$leadnum)%2 : $i%2) ? 'ligne1' : 'ligne2'; ?>"> <?php if ($this->params->get('show_title', 1)) : ?> <h2 class="contentheading"> <?php if ($this->params->get('link_titles', 0)) : ?> [url=<?php echo JRoute::_(FlexicontentHelperRoute::getItemRoute($items[$i]->slug, $this->category->slug)); ?>]<?php echo $this->escape($items[$i]->title); ?>[/url] <?php else : echo $this->escape($items[$i]->title); endif; ?> </h2> <?php endif; ?> <?php if ($this->params->get('lead_use_image', 1)) : if ($this->params->get('lead_image')) : if (isset($items[$i]->fields[$this->params->get('lead_image')]->value[0])) : $dir{$i} = $items[$i]->fields[$this->params->get('lead_image')]->parameters->get('dir'); $value{$i} = unserialize($items[$i]->fields[$this->params->get('lead_image')]->value[0]); $image{$i} = $value{$i}['originalname']; $scr{$i} = $dir{$i}.($this->params->get('lead_image_size') ? '/'.$this->params->get('lead_image_size').'_' : '/l_').$image{$i}; else : $scr{$i} = ''; endif; $src = $scr{$i}; else : $src = flexicontent_html::extractimagesrc($items[$i]); endif; $w = '&w=' . $this->params->get('lead_width', 200); $h = '&h=' . $this->params->get('lead_height', 200); $aoe = '&aoe=1'; $q = '&q=95'; $zc = $this->params->get('lead_method') ? '&zc=' . $this->params->get('lead_method') : ''; $conf = $w . $h . $aoe . $q . $zc; if (!$this->params->get('lead_image_size')) : $thumb = JURI::base().'components/com_flexicontent/librairies/phpthumb/phpThumb.php?src='.JURI::base(true).'/'.$src.$conf; else : $thumb = $src; endif; if ($src) : // case source ?> <div class="image<?php echo $this->params->get('lead_position') ? ' right' : ' left'; ?>"> <?php if ($this->params->get('lead_link_image', 1)) : ?> <a href="<?php echo JRoute::_(FlexicontentHelperRoute::getItemRoute($items[$i]->slug, $this->category->slug)); ?>" class="hasTip" title="<?php echo JText::_( 'FLEXI_READ_MORE_ABOUT' ) . '::' . $this->escape($items[$i]->title); ?>"> <img src="<?php echo $thumb; ?>" alt="<?php echo $this->escape($items[$i]->title); ?>" /> <?php else : ?> <img src="<?php echo $thumb; ?>" alt="<?php echo $this->escape($items[$i]->title); ?>" /> <?php endif; ?> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <?php endif; // case source endif; ?> <!-- BOF above-description-line1 block --> <?php if (isset($items[$i]->positions['above-description-line1'])) : ?> <div class="lineinfo line1"> <?php foreach ($items[$i]->positions['above-description-line1'] as $field) : ?> <span class="element"> <?php if ($field->label) : ?> <span class="label field_<?php echo $field->name; ?>"><?php echo $field->label; ?></span> <?php endif; ?> <span class="value field_<?php echo $field->name; ?>"><?php echo $field->display; ?></span> </span> <?php endforeach; ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> <!-- EOF above-description-line1 block --> <!-- BOF above-description-nolabel-line1 block --> <?php if (isset($items[$i]->positions['above-description-line1-nolabel'])) : ?> <div class="lineinfo line1"> <?php foreach ($items[$i]->positions['above-description-line1-nolabel'] as $field) : ?> <span class="element"> <span class="value field_<?php echo $field->name; ?>"><?php echo $field->display; ?></span> </span> <?php endforeach; ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> <!-- EOF above-description-nolabel-line1 block --> <!-- BOF above-description-line2 block --> <?php if (isset($items[$i]->positions['above-description-line2'])) : ?> <div class="lineinfo line2"> <?php foreach ($items[$i]->positions['above-description-line2'] as $field) : ?> <span class="element"> <?php if ($field->label) : ?> <span class="label field_<?php echo $field->name; ?>"><?php echo $field->label; ?></span> <?php endif; ?> <span class="value field_<?php echo $field->name; ?>"><?php echo $field->display; ?></span> </span> <?php endforeach; ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> <!-- EOF above-description-line2 block --> <!-- BOF above-description-nolabel-line2 block --> <?php if (isset($items[$i]->positions['above-description-line2-nolabel'])) : ?> <div class="lineinfo line1"> <?php foreach ($items[$i]->positions['above-description-line2-nolabel'] as $field) : ?> <span class="element"> <span class="value field_<?php echo $field->name; ?>"><?php echo $field->display; ?></span> </span> <?php endforeach; ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> <!-- EOF above-description-nolabel-line1 block --> <p> <?php if ($this->params->get('lead_strip_html', 1)) : echo flexicontent_html::striptagsandcut( $items[$i]->introtext, $this->params->get('lead_cut_text', 400) ); else : echo $items[$i]->introtext; endif; ?> </p> <?php if ($this->params->get('show_readmore', 1)) : ?> <span class="readmore"> <a href="<?php echo JRoute::_(FlexicontentHelperRoute::getItemRoute($items[$i]->slug, $this->category->slug)); ?>" class="readon"> <?php if ($items[$i]->params->get('readmore')) : echo ' ' . $items[$i]->params->get('readmore'); else : echo ' ' . JText::sprintf('FLEXI_READ_MORE', $items[$i]->title); endif; ?> </span> <?php endif; ?> <!-- BOF under-description-line1 block --> <?php if (isset($items[$i]->positions['under-description-line1'])) : ?> <div class="lineinfo line3"> <?php foreach ($items[$i]->positions['under-description-line1'] as $field) : ?> <span class="element"> <?php if ($field->label) : ?> <span class="label field_<?php echo $field->name; ?>"><?php echo $field->label; ?></span> <?php endif; ?> <span class="value field_<?php echo $field->name; ?>"><?php echo $field->display; ?></span> </span> <?php endforeach; ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> <!-- EOF under-description-line1 block --> <!-- BOF under-description-line1-nolabel block --> <?php if (isset($items[$i]->positions['under-description-line1-nolabel'])) : ?> <div class="lineinfo line3"> <?php foreach ($items[$i]->positions['under-description-line1-nolabel'] as $field) : ?> <span class="element"> <span class="value field_<?php echo $field->name; ?>"><?php echo $field->display; ?></span> </span> <?php endforeach; ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> <!-- EOF under-description-line1-nolabel block --> <!-- BOF under-description-line2 block --> <?php if (isset($items[$i]->positions['under-description-line2'])) : ?> <div class="lineinfo line4"> <?php foreach ($items[$i]->positions['under-description-line2'] as $field) : ?> <span class="element"> <?php if ($field->label) : ?> <span class="label field_<?php echo $field->name; ?>"><?php echo $field->label; ?></span> <?php endif; ?> <span class="value field_<?php echo $field->name; ?>"><?php echo $field->display; ?></span> </span> <?php endforeach; ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> <!-- EOF under-description-line2 block --> <!-- BOF under-description-line2-nolabel block --> <?php if (isset($items[$i]->positions['under-description-line2-nolabel'])) : ?> <div class="lineinfo line4"> <?php foreach ($items[$i]->positions['under-description-line2-nolabel'] as $field) : ?> <span class="element"> <span class="value field_<?php echo $field->name; ?>"><?php echo $field->display; ?></span> </span> <?php endforeach; ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> <!-- EOF under-description-line2-nolabel block --> </div> <?php endfor; ?> </li> <?php endif; if ($count > $leadnum || $this->limitstart != 0) : ?> <ul class="introblock <?php echo ($this->params->get('intro_cols', 2) == 1) ? 'one' : 'two'; ?>"> <?php for ($i=($this->limitstart == 0 ? $leadnum : 0 ); $i<$count; $i++) : ?> <li class="<?php echo (($this->limitstart == 0) ? ($i+$leadnum)%2 : $i%2) ? 'even' : 'odd'; ?>"> <div class="<?php echo (($this->limitstart == 0) ? ($i+$leadnum)%2 : $i%2) ? 'ligne1' : 'ligne2'; ?>"> <?php if ($this->params->get('show_title', 1)) : ?> <h2 class="contentheading"> <?php if ($this->params->get('link_titles', 0)) : ?> [url=<?php echo JRoute::_(FlexicontentHelperRoute::getItemRoute($items[$i]->slug, $this->category->slug)); ?>]<?php echo $this->escape($items[$i]->title); ?>[/url] <?php else : echo $this->escape($items[$i]->title); endif; ?> </h2> <?php endif; ?> <?php if ($this->params->get('intro_use_image', 1)) : if ($this->params->get('intro_image')) : if (isset($items[$i]->fields[$this->params->get('intro_image')]->value[0])) : $dir{$i} = $items[$i]->fields[$this->params->get('intro_image')]->parameters->get('dir'); $value{$i} = unserialize($items[$i]->fields[$this->params->get('intro_image')]->value[0]); $image{$i} = $value{$i}['originalname']; $scr{$i} = $dir{$i}.($this->params->get('intro_image_size') ? '/'.$this->params->get('intro_image_size').'_' : '/l_').$image{$i}; else : $scr{$i} = ''; endif; $src = $scr{$i}; else : $src = flexicontent_html::extractimagesrc($items[$i]); endif; $w = '&w=' . $this->params->get('intro_width', 200); $h = '&h=' . $this->params->get('intro_height', 200); $aoe = '&aoe=1'; $q = '&q=95'; $zc = $this->params->get('intro_method') ? '&zc=' . $this->params->get('intro_method') : ''; $conf = $w . $h . $aoe . $q . $zc; if (!$this->params->get('intro_image_size')) : $thumb = JURI::base().'components/com_flexicontent/librairies/phpthumb/phpThumb.php?src='.JURI::base(true).'/'.$src.$conf; else : $thumb = $src; endif; if ($src) : // case source ?> <div class="image<?php echo $this->params->get('intro_position') ? ' right' : ' left'; ?>"> <?php if ($this->params->get('intro_link_image', 1)) : ?> <a href="<?php echo JRoute::_(FlexicontentHelperRoute::getItemRoute($items[$i]->slug, $this->category->slug)); ?>" class="hasTip" title="<?php echo JText::_( 'FLEXI_READ_MORE_ABOUT' ) . '::' . $this->escape($items[$i]->title); ?>"> <img src="<?php echo $thumb; ?>" alt="<?php echo $this->escape($items[$i]->title); ?>" /> <?php else : ?> <img src="<?php echo $thumb; ?>" alt="<?php echo $this->escape($items[$i]->title); ?>" /> <?php endif; ?> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <?php endif; // case source endif; ?> <!-- BOF above-description-line1 block --> <?php if (isset($items[$i]->positions['above-description-line1'])) : ?> <div class="lineinfo line1"> <?php foreach ($items[$i]->positions['above-description-line1'] as $field) : ?> <span class="element"> <?php if ($field->label) : ?> <span class="label field_<?php echo $field->name; ?>"><?php echo $field->label; ?></span> <?php endif; ?> <span class="value field_<?php echo $field->name; ?>"><?php echo $field->display; ?></span> </span> <?php endforeach; ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> <!-- EOF above-description-line1 block --> <!-- BOF above-description-nolabel-line1 block --> <?php if (isset($items[$i]->positions['above-description-line1-nolabel'])) : ?> <div class="lineinfo line1"> <?php foreach ($items[$i]->positions['above-description-line1-nolabel'] as $field) : ?> <span class="element"> <span class="value field_<?php echo $field->name; ?>"><?php echo $field->display; ?></span> </span> <?php endforeach; ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> <!-- EOF above-description-nolabel-line1 block --> <!-- BOF above-description-line2 block --> <?php if (isset($items[$i]->positions['above-description-line2'])) : ?> <div class="lineinfo line2"> <?php foreach ($items[$i]->positions['above-description-line2'] as $field) : ?> <span class="element"> <?php if ($field->label) : ?> <span class="label field_<?php echo $field->name; ?>"><?php echo $field->label; ?></span> <?php endif; ?> <span class="value field_<?php echo $field->name; ?>"><?php echo $field->display; ?></span> </span> <?php endforeach; ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> <!-- EOF above-description-line2 block --> <!-- BOF above-description-nolabel-line2 block --> <?php if (isset($items[$i]->positions['above-description-line2-nolabel'])) : ?> <div class="lineinfo line1"> <?php foreach ($items[$i]->positions['above-description-line2-nolabel'] as $field) : ?> <span class="element"> <span class="value field_<?php echo $field->name; ?>"><?php echo $field->display; ?></span> </span> <?php endforeach; ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> <!-- EOF above-description-nolabel-line1 block --> <p> <?php if ($this->params->get('intro_strip_html', 1)) : echo flexicontent_html::striptagsandcut( $items[$i]->introtext, $this->params->get('intro_cut_text', 200) ); else : echo $items[$i]->introtext; endif; ?> </p> <?php if ($this->params->get('show_readmore', 1)) : ?> <span class="readmore"> <a href="<?php echo JRoute::_(FlexicontentHelperRoute::getItemRoute($items[$i]->slug, $this->category->slug)); ?>" class="readon"> <?php if ($items[$i]->params->get('readmore')) : echo ' ' . $items[$i]->params->get('readmore'); else : echo ' ' . JText::sprintf('FLEXI_READ_MORE', $items[$i]->title); endif; ?> </span> <?php endif; ?> <!-- BOF under-description-line1 block --> <?php if (isset($items[$i]->positions['under-description-line1'])) : ?> <div class="lineinfo line3"> <?php foreach ($items[$i]->positions['under-description-line1'] as $field) : ?> <span class="element"> <?php if ($field->label) : ?> <span class="label field_<?php echo $field->name; ?>"><?php echo $field->label; ?></span> <?php endif; ?> <span class="value field_<?php echo $field->name; ?>"><?php echo $field->display; ?></span> </span> <?php endforeach; ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> <!-- EOF under-description-line1 block --> <!-- BOF under-description-line1-nolabel block --> <?php if (isset($items[$i]->positions['under-description-line1-nolabel'])) : ?> <div class="lineinfo line3"> <?php foreach ($items[$i]->positions['under-description-line1-nolabel'] as $field) : ?> <span class="element"> <span class="value field_<?php echo $field->name; ?>"><?php echo $field->display; ?></span> </span> <?php endforeach; ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> <!-- EOF under-description-line1-nolabel block --> <!-- BOF under-description-line2 block --> <?php if (isset($items[$i]->positions['under-description-line2'])) : ?> <div class="lineinfo line4"> <?php foreach ($items[$i]->positions['under-description-line2'] as $field) : ?> <span class="element"> <?php if ($field->label) : ?> <span class="label field_<?php echo $field->name; ?>"><?php echo $field->label; ?></span> <?php endif; ?> <span class="value field_<?php echo $field->name; ?>"><?php echo $field->display; ?></span> </span> <?php endforeach; ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> <!-- EOF under-description-line2 block --> <!-- BOF under-description-line2-nolabel block --> <?php if (isset($items[$i]->positions['under-description-line2-nolabel'])) : ?> <div class="lineinfo line4"> <?php foreach ($items[$i]->positions['under-description-line2-nolabel'] as $field) : ?> <span class="element"> <span class="value field_<?php echo $field->name; ?>"><?php echo $field->display; ?></span> </span> <?php endforeach; ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> <!-- EOF under-description-line2-nolabel block --> </div> </li> <?php endfor; ?> </ul> </ul> <?php endif; ?> </div> <?php else : ?> <div class="noitems"><?php echo JText::_( 'FLEXI_NO_ITEMS_CAT' ); ?></div> <?php endif; ?>
the complet code !

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14 years 7 months ago #6919 by Rehne
I do not know
i have to try this first
but i've just no time
but soon i'll have a look

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14 years 7 months ago #6921 by micker
yes thanks !
just i do some test
the part of the code is after
the first </li>
</li> <?php endif; if ($count > $leadnum || $this->limitstart != 0) : ?> <ul class="introblock <?php echo ($this->params->get('intro_cols', 2) == 1) ? 'one' : 'two'; ?>"> <?php for ($i=($this->limitstart == 0 ? $leadnum : 0 ); $i<$count; $i++) : ?> <li class="<?php echo (($this->limitstart == 0) ? ($i+$leadnum)%2 : $i%2) ? 'even' : 'odd'; ?>"> <div class="<?php echo (($this->limitstart == 0) ? ($i+$leadnum)%2 : $i%2) ? 'ligne1' : 'ligne2'; ?>">
itry to inser the same code
<div class="<?php echo (($this->limitstart == 0) ? ($i+$leadnum)%2 : $i%2) ? 'ligne1' : 'ligne2'; ?>">
Thanks for your futur help

FLEXIcontent is Free but involves a very big effort on our part.
Like the our support? (for a bug-free FC, despite being huge extension) Like the features? Like the ongoing development and future commitment to FLEXIcontent?
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14 years 7 months ago #7054 by micker
do you have some news ?

FLEXIcontent is Free but involves a very big effort on our part.
Like the our support? (for a bug-free FC, despite being huge extension) Like the features? Like the ongoing development and future commitment to FLEXIcontent?
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14 years 6 months ago #7245 by yopyop001

Do you have a link to see the problem?

May be it's a css issue :
What appens if you replace
<li class="<?php echo (($this->limitstart == 0) ? ($i+$leadnum)%2 : $i%2) ? 'even' : 'odd'; ?>"> <div class="<?php echo (($this->limitstart == 0) ? ($i+$leadnum)%2 : $i%2) ? 'ligne1' : 'ligne2'; ?>">
<li class="<?php echo (($this->limitstart == 0) ? ($i+$leadnum)%2 : $i%2) ? 'leadingblock_line1' : 'leadingblock_line2'; ?>"> <div class="<?php echo (($this->limitstart == 0) ? ($i+$leadnum)%2 : $i%2) ? 'ligne1' : 'ligne2'; ?>">


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14 years 6 months ago #7250 by micker
it's perfect !!!!
great thanks !
do you have an idea to doesn't load plugin on category view ?
you are savior !

FLEXIcontent is Free but involves a very big effort on our part.
Like the our support? (for a bug-free FC, despite being huge extension) Like the features? Like the ongoing development and future commitment to FLEXIcontent?
-- Add your voice to the FLEXIcontent JED listing reviews. Thanks![/size]

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