Develope Flexi Product Gallery Field job

12 years 2 months ago #33083 by lungkao
i Want Flexi Product Gallery Field Plug-ins

i Want to know budget and how long

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12 years 2 months ago #33084 by ggppdk
Why do you want to make a new field?

Create 3 fields:
- an image/gallery field (product image(s))
- an text field (product name)
- a radioimage field (product color)
or do you need a color picker for this?

but the above is for item form, in item view how do you need it to behave ? you need to use the item=product to add its values to a form that will be submitted?

if so maybe you should use an shopping-cart component?

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12 years 2 months ago #33085 by lungkao
yes color picker

no shopingcart

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12 years 2 months ago #33086 by lungkao

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12 years 2 months ago #33087 by ggppdk
1. So you need to select a color in content (item) edit form and not in content (item) view?

2. The list show e.g. 5 colors , where are these colors defined?
in field configuration?
all products will be selectable out of same 5 colors ? if show why don't you use a radioimage field with 5 small pictures?

or do you need something like this in item form? :

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12 years 2 months ago #33088 by lungkao
i think like minigallery display
my idea for config parameter

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