Page Title

13 years 4 months ago #19546 by openg
Page Title was created by openg
Hi There,

I am trying to display the page title dynamically in multiple posts using a third party PHP module that loads code into a flexicontent item.

I am using this code <?php $doc =& JFactory::getDocument(); echo '' . $doc->getTitle(); ?> which normally returns the page title, yet in this case it displays the category that the item is in rather than the page title itself.

What code would I have to use to display the page title and not the category within the item.

Many kind regards,


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13 years 4 months ago #19547 by ggppdk
Replied by ggppdk on topic Page Title
The following code will work with flexicontent v1.5.6

You can use it anywhere, inside some component, module or plugin
if (JRequest::getVar('option')=='com_flexicontent' && JRequest::getVar('view')=='items' ){ JTable::addIncludePath(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.DS.'components'.DS.'com_flexicontent'.DS.'tables'); require_once("components/com_flexicontent/classes/flexicontent.fields.php"); require_once("components/com_flexicontent/classes/flexicontent.helper.php"); require_once("components/com_flexicontent/models/items.php"); // Get current displayed Flexicontent item $itemmodel = new FlexicontentModelItems(); $item = $itemmodel->getItem(); FlexicontentFields::getFields(array(&$item)); // Get html of fields $title = FlexicontentFields::getFieldDisplay($item, 'title'); $voting = FlexicontentFields::getFieldDisplay($item, 'voting'); $hits = FlexicontentFields::getFieldDisplay($item, 'hits'); $created_by = FlexicontentFields::getFieldDisplay($item, 'created_by'); // $title has the title you need echo $title; }

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13 years 4 months ago #19571 by openg
Replied by openg on topic Page Title
Thanks for the reply.
However I can't get the title to appear, is there something else I should add?

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13 years 4 months ago #19574 by ggppdk
Replied by ggppdk on topic Page Title
Corrected the above code, i had missed a letter J infront of Table::, and also removed & in the function calls.

NOTE: it will work with v1.5.6


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13 years 4 months ago #19575 by openg
Replied by openg on topic Page Title
Many many thanks for that, the new code works perfectly ;)

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13 years 4 months ago #19581 by ggppdk
Replied by ggppdk on topic Page Title
Same code can be used to enhance and other components e.g. com_search ... search for a relevant post here ... =viewtopic

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