plugin not executed in Flexicontent

14 years 7 months ago #9424 by rottenberg
some plugin don't work in Flexicontent 1.5.3

I have problem with JUMI,MAGICTABS...
They are working in 1.5.2 and not in 1.5.3

I have already put post in the french forum at this address there are some example. The most strange is the last one (REREPLACER/SOURCERER) the plugin is executed in the article detail page but not in the blog one.

Of course all plugins are activated
If I uninstall FLEXICONTENT the plugins are working

It seems quite impossible to use FLEXICONTENT without these plugins

thanks for help


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14 years 7 months ago #9453 by sone
i just started to use flexicontent and the plugin i wanted to use first is not working, too.

this soundcloud plugin and the module are working fine normally but they do not work with flexicontent. ... oundcloud#

in a flexicontent article just the code to invoke the plugin:
{easysc trackname:"your-sc-filename" username:"your-sc-usrname"}
is appearing.

is this a already known bug/problem or could someone please explain if there is a workaround ?


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14 years 7 months ago #9455 by rottenberg
I think you've got the same problem than I got :

Most of content's plugin are not intrepreted in Flexicontent 1.5.3.

Today I got a new plugin problem :
the plugin pullquote :
{pullquote}This is my pull quote{/pullquote}
is not interpreted.


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14 years 7 months ago #9466 by kenmcd
First, plug-ins must be enabled for the particular field or they will not work.
Check the field parameters settings.
For example, in the Field Manager go to the Description field and check the parameters.
Make sure Enable Plugins is checked, and that the particular plug-ins are selected in the list.
If this has not been done, no plug-ins will work.

Second, the plug-in itself must allow/enable usage in other extensions such as FLEXIcontent.
Some plug-ins limit themselves to particular components, options, views, etc.
Some of these plug-ins may easily be modified to work with other components (e.g. FLEXIcontent).
Some of these plug-ins may not be easily modified.

I have tested many plug-ins that are working just fine.
Many plug-ins work as is.
Some plug-ins have required minor changes to remove their limitations.
Some plug-ins will not work without major modifications.
This all depends on the particular plug-in.

Many content plug-ins do not work in Sobi2 for the same reasons.
Many content plug-ins do not work in VirtueMart for the same reasons.
Etc., etc., etc.

So most likely:
- these plug-ins have not been enabled properly for that FLEXIcontent field, or
- the plug-in has restrictions within it


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14 years 7 months ago #9478 by rottenberg
thank you
A part of problem is solved : I have allowed to run content plugin in the description field and I have put nothing in the table of plugin allowed (just under the button to allow content plugin.

I have tested 2 content plugin. They are working

A part of problem remains :

I am using rereplacer to replace bloc of characters by others

for instance I want to show an highslide image popup.

I have created a record in rereplacer :
{image}ID number|Caption of the image |images/stories/pv/navon/my image.jpg{/image}

this code is replaced by a photo ( my image.jpg)

in the detail page it's working great

In the blog page of the category, I don't get any image but only ID number|Caption of the image
|images/stories/pv/navon/my image.jpg
the tags {image}{/image} have desapeared

I'm not sure that the problem is coming for a non execution a content-plugin as the image appears normally in the detail page.

I think the problem comes from the interpretation of images in the blog page.

I don't know how to solve it.

I'm using a customized rereplacer tag as it's easier for user to enter the ID name, the caption and the name of file in place as entering all parameters of a highslide pop up

thank you for help

best regards

Michel Rottenberg

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14 years 6 months ago #9740 by bittingbits

rottenberg wrote: The most strange is the last one (REREPLACER/SOURCERER) the plugin is executed in the article detail page but not in the blog one.

This is the single most important oddity that hasn't been addressed as of 1.5.3c.
We have observed the exact same inconsistent behaviour with the legendary JW Tabs & Slides plugin. Lodas on the Item View but on on the Blog View.

Think we are all pretty much aware of the grand theory behind general plugin support under FC (which, btw, is advertised as handling whatever content plugin is assigned to a field).
However, the main focus of this thread lies elsewhere and points to an outright nasty bug.


Issue reported here: ... tail?id=76

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