Champ Relation (List of related items)

7 years 4 months ago #70639 by alog

j’ai créer un champ Relation (List of related items) qui m’affiche les images en bas de page des fiches items.
Mais actuellement la seule possibilité trouvée est un lien cliquable sur le titre ouvrant la fiche de l’item et je souhaiterai afficher l'image sans le titre.
Est-il possible de créer un lien hypertexte sur l’image (des items en relation) dans les paramètres du champ ?

merci de vos lumières !

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7 years 4 months ago - 7 years 4 months ago #70640 by ggppdk

there is a parameter for this, you missed it
It is at

"Viewing" TAB /
"Related Item List" TAB /
"Item HTML" TAB /
Parameter 'Item HTML'

In it add
Add html before <a href="__item_url__" title="__item_title_escaped__"> {{imgfieldname##display_small}} </a> Add html after e.g. <br/>

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Last edit: 7 years 4 months ago by ggppdk.

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7 years 4 months ago #70709 by alog
Hello ggppdk,
how to set up the related items by displaying only the main image of the item, if an item contains 2 or 3 photos ?

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7 years 4 months ago - 7 years 4 months ago #70725 by ggppdk

to get the thumbnail url of the first image you can use the display variable

the full list of the supported display variables are here:

About custom display of image / gallery field
Add html before <a href="__item_url__"> <img src="{{imgfieldname##display_small_src}} title="__item_title_escaped__" /> </a> Add html after

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Last edit: 7 years 4 months ago by ggppdk.

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7 years 4 months ago #70729 by alog
thank you for support and for this list of the display variables i was looking for :)

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