ACL pour uploader image

7 years 5 months ago #69447 by oroxo
Bonjour à tous,

j’utilise depuis peu Flexicontent avec Joomla et je n’arrive pas à régler ce problème d’ACL.

J’ai crée un autre compte utilisateur sur mon site et lorsque je crée un article il m’est impossible d’uploader une photo dans le champ image ‘Vous n'avez pas le niveau d'accès pour éditer ce champ’, c’est un problème d’acl, mais je m’y perd un peu..
j’autorise Créer/supprimer/Modifier pour les utilisateurs enregistrés mais
faut-il autoriser l’Edit Custom Field Value dans les droit de config générale de joomla ?

Quelle valeur éditable dois-je préciser dans le formulaire de saisie du champ image ?

en pict jointe = gestion des droits pour personne enregistrée.

merci de votre soutien


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7 years 5 months ago #69448 by ggppdk
Replied by ggppdk on topic ACL pour uploader image

Click "Configuration" to open component configuration
- go to "Permissions" TAB
-select the desired usergroup e.g. "Registered"
- and find ACL permission:
"Upload new files"

Set it to "Yes"

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7 years 5 months ago #69468 by oroxo
Replied by oroxo on topic ACL pour uploader image
thanks ggppdk,
i tried to follow your instructions but « Upload new files" permission stay red -> Not allowed (locked) ??

in « Upload new files" tooltip, i can read « some field like image have their own configuration for uploading, do not use this setting »

is there other ACL permission to change elsewhere ?

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7 years 5 months ago - 7 years 5 months ago #69469 by ggppdk
Replied by ggppdk on topic ACL pour uploader image

Check the parents (the ancestors) usergroups

it must have been set to "deny" there

and change the "deny" to "inherit"

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Last edit: 7 years 5 months ago by ggppdk.

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7 years 5 months ago #69473 by oroxo
Replied by oroxo on topic ACL pour uploader image
after checking every permissions i didn’t find where is my ACL problem.
Please see ‘registered’ usergroup permissions in global joomla configuration (pict enclosed) , everything seems ok to allow registreduser to upload new file (image) in flexi configuration.
i don’t understand why it doesn’t work ?

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7 years 5 months ago #69478 by ggppdk
Replied by ggppdk on topic ACL pour uploader image

in the parent group which is Public group
you need to have a SOFT deny for uploading files

Go to public user group and make sure that uploading files is NOT set to deny (= hard deny)

set it to "Inherit"
(which means if cannot from anywhere it will be a "soft" deny)

You see a hard deny in the parent group (public) means that all child usergroups ... registered , etc will be locked to "Deny"

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