RandomAdInserter plugin issues

14 years 11 months ago #5131 by webcluj
I was trying to make the RandomAdInserter plugin work inside a flexycontent page but it did not load the ad inside the content.
I modified the code to check for 'items' view and work on $article->fulltext instead on $article->text.
I also enabled the plugin, and I enabled it to work on the main description field.
What can I do to make it work?
<?php /** * @description : * @version $Id: RandomAdInserter.php 1.5 * @copyright OpenGlobal * @license GPL * @author OpenGlobal - http://www.openglobal.co.uk */ if(!defined('_JEXEC')) die('Restricted access'); jimport( 'joomla.event.plugin' ); $GLOBALS['ograi_adsused'] = 0; class plgContentRandomAdInserter extends JPlugin { function isArticle() { return JRequest :: getVar('view') == 'items' ? TRUE : FALSE; } function isSection() { return JRequest :: getVar('view') == 'section' ? TRUE : FALSE; } function isCategory() { return JRequest::getVar('view') == 'category' ? TRUE : FALSE; } function isHome() { $menu = & JSite::getMenu(); return $menu->getActive() == $menu->getDefault() ? TRUE : FALSE; } function isFrontPage() { return JRequest :: getVar('view') == 'frontpage' ? TRUE : FALSE; } function isBlogView() { return JRequest :: getVar('layout') == 'blog' ? TRUE : FALSE; } function param($name) { static $plugin,$pluginParams; if (!isset( $plugin )) { $plugin =& JPluginHelper::getPlugin('content', 'RandomAdInserter'); $pluginParams = new JParameter( $plugin->params ); } return $pluginParams->get($name); } function plgContentRandomAdInserter( &$subject, $params ) { parent::__construct( $subject, $params ); } function trimArray($array) { if(!is_array($array)||empty($array)) { return array(); } foreach ($array as &$item) { $item = trim($item); } return $array; } function onPrepareContent( &$article, &$params ) { $not_show_articles = $this->trimArray(explode(',',$this->param('not_show_articles'))); $not_show_cats = $this->trimArray(explode(',',$this->param('not_show_categories'))); if (!(($article->catid && in_array($article->catid,$not_show_cats)) || ($article->id && in_array($article->id,$not_show_articles)))) { if ( ($this->isHome() && $this->param('show_in_home')) || ($this->isSection() && $this->isBlogView() && $this->param('show_in_sections') == 1) || ($this->isCategory() && $this->isBlogView() && ($this->param('show_in_categories') == 1)) || ($this->isArticle()) && ($this->param('show_in_articles') == 1)) { if ($article->fulltext) { if ($GLOBALS['ograi_adsused'] < $this->param('max_ads_per_page')) { $GLOBALS['ograi_adsused']++; $positions = array(); $lastpos = -1; $repchar = (strpos($article->fulltext, "<p") === false) ? "<br" : "<p"; while (strpos($article->fulltext, $repchar, $lastpos+1) !== false) { $lastpos = strpos($article->fulltext, $repchar, $lastpos+1); $positions[] = $lastpos; } $article->fulltext = substr_replace($article->fulltext, $this->param('adcode'), $positions[rand(0, sizeof($positions)-1)], 0); } } } } } } ?>

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14 years 11 months ago #5132 by kenmcd
Moderator note: split from another thread.

Please post a link to the plug-in info, download, etc.


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14 years 11 months ago #5231 by kenmcd
Working here in items/articles.
Just changed "article" to "items" on line 17.

Everything other than Show ads in articles must be set to Off.
All the other settings depend on core Joomla features - Section Blog, Category Blog, Frontpage, etc. - which do not exist in FLEXIcontent.

The Category and Article exemption parameters should probably also work, but I did not test them.

Getting it to work in other locations within FLEXIcontent would require substantial modifications.


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14 years 11 months ago #5268 by webcluj
Thank you :)

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