GeoFactory plugin

10 years 8 months ago #48011 by johnnykraken
I had a problem to display GeoFactory button. I've just tried customize code like this plugin and it's been display. But if i click to it, the error is: COM_GEOFACTORY_BTN_PLG_NO_ARTICLE_ID

Can you help me, how can i customize the plugin code?
defined('_JEXEC') or die; class PlgButtonPlg_geofactory_btn_jc30 extends JPlugin{ protected $autoloadLanguage = true; public function onDisplay($name){ JHtml::_('behavior.modal'); // récpère l'article si front ou back // option=com_content&view=article&layout=edit&id=16 // option=com_content&view=form&layout=edit&a_id=1& $option = JRequest::getString('option'); $view = JRequest::getString('view'); $id = JRequest::getInt('id', 0); $a_id = JRequest::getInt('a_id', 0); // pour le moment je ne gère que joomla articles if (strcasecmp($option, 'com_content')!=0) return; // en fonction de l'action en cours, je sais si je suis en back ou en front ... $idArt = 0 ; if (strcasecmp($view, 'article')==0) $idArt = $id; if (strcasecmp($view, 'form')==0) $idArt = $a_id; // ... pas d'id article /* je laisse continuer, ainsi je peux afficher le message d'erreur dans la fenetre plus proprement. if ($idArt<1){ echo JText::_('ERROR'); ; return ; }*/ // lien si $link = 'administrator/index.php?option=com_geofactory&amp;view=ggmap&amp;layout=editorbtn&amp;tmpl=component&amp;idArt='.$idArt; if (strtolower(substr(JPATH_BASE, -13)) == 'administrator' ) $link = 'index.php?option=com_geofactory&amp;view=ggmap&amp;layout=editorbtn&amp;tmpl=component&amp;idArt='.$idArt; $button = new JObject; $button->modal = true; $button->class = 'btn'; $button->link = $link; $button->text = JText::_('COM_GEOFACTORY_BTN_PLG_NAME'); $button->name = 'location'; $button->options= "{handler: 'iframe', size: {x: 600, y: 500}}"; return $button; } }
And do you have any experiences with GeoFactory component and FlexiContent?

Thanks very much


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10 years 8 months ago #48017 by ggppdk
Replied by ggppdk on topic GeoFactory plugin

what we have suggested about the plugin is already in the forum thread that you mention,

just the code menitioned
exists in our plugin

which creates fields
- description
- textarea

but it is commented out

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