xmap plugin v1 issue: item showing in double

13 years 4 months ago #20159 by bobthebob01

For 2 of my categories, the xmap plugin is generating 2 links for one page only.
Here are the 2 links pointing at the same page:

what i don't understand is that it does not do that for 2 other categories.

I tried a different version called v1.1 found on the forum here, but i could not even install it.

has anybody had the same issue bbefore?

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13 years 4 months ago #20172 by ggppdk
This is because
-- the first type URL by xmap code that reads the joomla menus
-- the second type URL are generated by FLEXIcontent xmap plugin

So about the first type of links you see:
I believe you have 2 menu items that link to 2 categories , and the articles belonging to these 2 categories will be listed by default code of xmap that reads the menu items pointing to the categories.

I am not sure how to disable/change default behaviour of xmap. I tried altering/disable xmap "content" plugin but no effect.

Only way not to have these links is to exclude this menu from the menu xmap reads (go to xmap options and click delete for this menu)

I think to look in xmap forum/support for more.

In future i will look / study xmap more too, but now i don't know much more about xmap without spending time to read and study source code.


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13 years 4 months ago #20216 by bobthebob01
Thanks ggppdk,

i've posted the question on the xmap forum. I'll wait and see.


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