[Possible now per Type] About adding ability to create template to edit articles from front-end

9 years 7 months ago - 9 years 7 months ago #56021 by Sulpher
I'd like to suggest adding some new features in templates section: to create template for front-end editing. It can be useful in situation when webmaster want to create own template of article edit page for each type of content.

Also adding template for editing article via back-end can be useful too.

RoundTheme - templates for Kunena, AcyMailing & JComments
NorrNext - extensions for Joomla
Last edit: 9 years 7 months ago by ggppdk.

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9 years 7 months ago #56030 by ggppdk

currently you can almost fully customize frontend item form
per content type (see type parameters)
- that is without creating a Joomla template override for item form

i understand that adding to template will allow different layout for items having the same type

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9 years 7 months ago #56032 by Sulpher
ggppdk, thanks for your reply.

RoundTheme - templates for Kunena, AcyMailing & JComments
NorrNext - extensions for Joomla

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9 years 7 months ago - 9 years 7 months ago #56041 by ggppdk

i / we hope to make some video tutorials, 1 of them will be custom frontend form

some info:
- we have a field that allows, to create TABs, fieldsets and add custom HTML to the form
- in component / type parameters you have parameters for item form to control CORE fields and properties
- in component / type parameters you can hide the TABs that you do not want by adding "_skip_"

but note this, the TAB -textarea- parameters in type configuration that are
- empty
will inherit the CORE fieldname list from component
this is sometimes confusing

i suggest that you go to component and copy paste the item form TAB parameters into each type
and then customize

In future this will be easier
we have a new type of parameter "PRESET configuration" , you can see it in the voting field, to populate/show/hide/disable many parameters at once. With it in future configuration will be easier

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Last edit: 9 years 7 months ago by ggppdk.

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9 years 7 months ago #56047 by micker
maybe a good idea will be convert to flexicontent template system with position and drag drop (maybe to much modification) and an option :
-automatique template form
-drag and drop form

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9 years 7 months ago #56076 by Sulpher

micker wrote: maybe a good idea will be convert to flexicontent template system with position and drag drop (maybe to much modification) and an option :
-automatique template form
-drag and drop form

Drag'n'drop is what I requested for, it would be fantastic if you'll release it in next version! :-)

RoundTheme - templates for Kunena, AcyMailing & JComments
NorrNext - extensions for Joomla

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