Can we build a forum with flexicontent? Has anyone done it?

11 years 3 months ago #42878 by boniaditya
I tried out all the forum extensions available in the JED. I spotted out a fatal flaw in all those extensions - none of them let the admins use editors of their choice, I have tried discussions, ninja board, kunena but could not try chronoforums. This has implications because it would mean that the posts in the forum are insulated from the plugins and shortcodes that are used in joomla articles. If the forum posts behave like articles it would mean a lot of possibilities for the posts.
The question is really simple-

Can you morph flexicontent to behave like a forum?
Did any one accomplish this feat?

Or should I just give up trying to create a forum out of joomla and go for a dedicated forum solution like phpbb and use a bridge!

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11 years 3 months ago #42879 by Rooney
Just my two cents. If the forum components for Joomla do not fulfil your requirements I would go for a bridge solution!

Joomla! 3.9.24 and FC 3.3.9

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11 years 3 months ago #42880 by ggppdk

ok, maybe you have some special requirements out of the forum, but for creating a forum,

it is better to use a forum component, because
nor FLEXIcontent nor any extension of any type can do a better job than a forum specific component will do

as Rooney suggested you may also use phpBB and use rokBridge to bridge it with joomla,

-- phpBB is an excellent forum application, but we are thinking of migrating to Kunena for better integration


-- Flexicontent is Free but involves a big effort on our part.
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11 years 3 months ago #42905 by boniaditya
I agree with you no other extension can do what a forum component can do best - I was just being too optimistic when i asked flexicontent to be a forum -
I am giving this to you because I always compare flexicontent with SEBLOD (don't mean any disrespect) and seblod can do it - the forum they are using on the seblod is made with seblod!

but as i have stated in the previous post

No forum extension allows the admins to edit the posts from the backend - NONE of the forum components allow admins to edit the post using a WYSIWYG editor - which means that you lose the power of using the plugins that are already existing - You can consider this analogy - k2 does not use the joomla standard article while flexicontent does - there is no such forum component that uses joomla standard article -

This is my logic

"If the forum extension that i use on my joomla site is not taking advantage of the thousands of plugins that are already existing in joomla then i might as well use phpbb instead - because what is the advantage i get by using a forum component in joomla?"

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11 years 3 months ago #42908 by micker
you can a lite forum
1 article = 1 post
reply to post = comment (jcomment or komento)
with flexicontent ACL andnotification systeme you can a LITE forum
use myitem view for front-end gestion
not impossible to do it but i didn't think it possible to do a big forum with ranking etc (but possible to add some think link if number item is egal to x display field rank with value 1 )

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11 years 3 months ago #42912 by ggppdk

in SEBLOD they do it,
and yes FLEXIcontent can have some changes to be used as forum

but ... to compete with forum specific extension will leave SEBLOD lacking in comparison, surely you have some benefits using a CCK as forum but you will find many drawbacks

-- but e.g. only 2-3 changes are need for FLEXIcontent to be used a fully fledge --reviews-- extension, (we just need to finish a couple of things)
(and some people have done this already)

-- but e.g. only 2-3 changes and a new field and a template is need by FLEXIcontent to compete with events/calendar extensions, (and some people have done this already)


-- Flexicontent is Free but involves a big effort on our part.
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