Hi Emmanuel,
In another thread a user brought up the issue of replicating the FrontpagePlus view.
Articles on the front page ?
The FrontpagePlus component is from Peter at NoNumber.
FrontpagePlus extends com_content by adding a frontpageplus view.
FrontpagePlus is very useful for intranets as it enables you to have multiple frontpages.
Each department can have its own front page.
This got me thinking about how to replicate this feature using FLEXIcontent.
The only thing I can think of right now is to add an additional "featured" category and link the items to this category, and then display that category view.
Not as user friendly as checking a "frontpage" box.
In Joomla 1.6 "frontpage" has been changed to "featured" and it now includes more that just articles.
Featured now includes other types of content.
I think I saw you mention that you do some work with intranets.
How do you deal with the departmental frontpage issue?
Would it be possible to add a Featured Field Element to FLEXIcontent, and also add a Featured View which would display these items which are marked as featured?
Many users do use the core Joomla frontpage so to make a complete changeover to FLEXIcontent would require replicating its functions.
This new FLEXIcontent view would replicate the Joomla core frontpage view as well as the FrontpagePlus view.
What are your thoughts on this?