<H1> for category page = category title ; for item page = item title
You can do this in the template - edit category_category.php of your template:
change h2 to h1 (line 23)
<?php if ($this->params->get('show_cat_title', 1)) : ?>
<h2 class="flexicontent cat<?php echo $this->category->id; ?>">
<?php echo $this->escape($this->category->title); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
item.php of your item template (line 59): change h2 to h1:
<!-- BOF item title -->
<?php if ($this->params->get('show_title', 1)) : ?>
<h2 class="contentheading<?php echo $this->escape($this->params->get('pageclass_sfx')); ?>"><span class='fc_item_title'>
if ( mb_strlen($this->item->title, 'utf-8') > $this->params->get('title_cut_text',200) ) :
echo mb_substr ($this->item->title, 0, $this->params->get('title_cut_text',200), 'utf-8') . ' ...';
else :
echo $this->item->title;
<?php endif; ?>
<!-- EOF item title -->
meta description : for category page = category description ; for item page = 200 first letters of the item core description field
The default Joomla doesn't let you set categories.
So - I would suggest you use this free plugin:
It lets you set Metadata for each of your menu items including categories.
I don't really agree with automatic text - as the maximum characters for SEO in google is 150 - yahoo Chinese is 120. So - 200 would result in ....
Also, writing your own Metadescription is more powerful as you can target your branding message directly to consumers. If you want something like this - use ACESEF - which just writes a bunch of random gibberish for its words which is pointless IMHO.
meta keywords
Google doesn't use keywords in its search results.
So - I think meta keywords are not worth the time or effort.
I have used ACESEF with Flexicontent - but find it super difficult to implement and doesn't work the way I want it to.