Edit: I meant to post this in the bug forum not sure how it got in here, can a mod move please (sorry).
I am building my content type and I have created a field called 'incident type'. This field is a select box, and I have used the mysql option to load the options from another table in the database.
The sql query works well, and the select box loads populated with the fields in my DB table, I can select an item and click save/Apply. However when the page is reopened or reloads the selected item is not selected anymore and the field returns to the default 'Please select option'. The database is not storing the default choice.
The custom sql I am using (which works because the list populates) is as follows. I cant see I have done anything wrong, so presume its a bug!
SELECT `incident_type_id` AS value,`incident_type_name` AS text FROM `jos_incident_type`
I have also attached some screen shots.
[attachment=2:o9a5th2v]<!-- ia2 -->mysql_table.jpg<!-- ia2 -->[/attachment:o9a5th2v]
[attachment=1:o9a5th2v]<!-- ia1 -->field_properties.jpg<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment:o9a5th2v]
[attachment=0:o9a5th2v]<!-- ia0 -->editing_content_item.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:o9a5th2v]