Using 777 is a security issue and is not recommended.
I am not sure why this is in FLEXIcontent or the FAQ.
Perhaps it is a workaround for servers using old set-ups which require the FTP layer.
Many web servers have security measures in place which will block access to any file or directory set to 777.
So on many servers setting 777 will actually cause the access problem.
I looked at the page you linked above.
The image links I found in the mini-gallery are 404.
So either the images are not actually there,
or the web server has no access to them.
Access issues are usually
ownership issues, not permissions issues.
This often happens on servers with old set-ups where the web server user is different from the FTP user, and the Joomla administrator uploads images (or other media file) via FTP.
Since the file was uploaded via FTP, the FTP user owns it.
And the web server user cannot access the file, or even see it.
This results in a 404, or 403 error.
I should be able to directly access these image links.
- Check the ownership and permissions of the media directory
- Check the ownership and permissions of the image files
- Check the ownership and permissions of the phpThumbs cache directory
All should be owned by the same user as the web server.
Directory permissions should be 755.
File permissions should be 644.