content filter (slider) - collapsed

9 months 5 days ago - 9 months 5 days ago #85314 by Fiury

i have a filter (slider mode) , if i click to buton, then everything works,  and slider shows all fillters. Like in picture.

But after refresh or if i set one filter (with auto GO button = autoconfirmation filter) , page is refreshed and slider is ALLWAYS COLLAPSED.
This should work like this ? Or can stay not colapsed, if refreshed or set filter ?
Any chance to change it : if i set the filter or refresh it when slider is open, slider stay open " NOT COLLAPSED " ?

I have: <div id="fcfilter_form_slider_cat_mcats_filters_slide" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="fcfilter_form_slider_cat_mcats_filters_slide-heading" role="tabpanel">
I need have : <div id="fcfilter_form_slider_cat_mcats_filters_slide" class="accordion-collapse collapse show" aria-labelledby="fcfilter_form_slider_cat_mcats_filters_slide-heading" role="tabpanel"> when set a filter and refreshed ..

Maybe some template conflict:
last version of Flexicontent + Helix Ultimate 

 public static function addSlide($selector, $text, $id, $class = ''): string
        $in        = static::$loaded[__CLASS__ . '::startAccordion'][$selector] === $id ? ' show' : '';
        $collapsed = static::$loaded[__CLASS__ . '::startAccordion'][$selector] === $id ? '' : ' collapsed';
        $parent    = static::$loaded[__CLASS__ . '::startAccordion'][$selector] ?
            'data-bs-parent="' . static::$loaded[__CLASS__ . '::startAccordion'][$selector] . '"' : '';
        $class        = (!empty($class)) ? ' ' . $class : '';
        $ariaExpanded = $in === 'show';
        return <<<HTMLSTR
<div class="accordion-item $class">
  <h2 class="accordion-header" id="$id-heading">
    <button class="accordion-button $collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#$id" aria-expanded="$ariaExpanded" aria-controls="$id" role="tab">
  <div id="$id" class="accordion-collapse collapse $in" aria-labelledby="$id-heading" $parent role="tabpanel">
    <div class="accordion-body">

Thank you for help !

Last edit: 9 months 5 days ago by Fiury.

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9 months 4 days ago #85315 by micker
hello did you have a like for testing ?

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9 months 4 days ago #85316 by Fiury
I am sorry , i don´t know what you mean "like for testing" ?

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9 months 4 days ago #85317 by micker
A link for testing

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9 months 4 days ago - 9 months 4 days ago #85318 by Fiury
good mornng,

link is :
it is in CZ language , but hope no problem 

Thank you
Last edit: 9 months 4 days ago by Fiury.

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9 months 3 days ago #85319 by micker
sorry but no access
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FLEXIcontent is Free but involves a very big effort on our part.
Like the our support? (for a bug-free FC, despite being huge extension) Like the features? Like the ongoing development and future commitment to FLEXIcontent?
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